Is anyone suffering headaches/head pain after having a tbi, or are they sensitive to noise?
Headaches: Is anyone suffering headaches/head pain... - Headway

good morning after my tbi i suffered wat i canonly describe as pressure felt like my head was going to explode i was so scared of sneezing as this would just take me out i think the pain also masked other symptoms that i didnt realise i had 2 years later i had decompression surgery and was pain free but now i have other problems i look fit and healthy but dont act it lol u will come through it but it takes time and when u find that one person who knows wat is wrong in your head they are like an angel from above finaly you think someone that understands me hopefully u will find yout answers maria
Hi, i think it comes with the territory. Like albuhera56 i suffered dreadfully with pressure sensations that everyone just kept looking at me and scratching their heads saying that they didn’t understand what i meant. This would debilitate me for days on end every few weeks.
Then 2 years ago i insisted on being referred back to my rehab consultant and miracle on miracle he said that he knew just what i meant, prescribed me pregabalin and ive got my days back.
Im going to look up decompression surgery now cos i dont know what that entails. I didnt have a tbi, i had encephalitis, that caused my abi, so dont know if that alters the way they look at things.
Suffice it to say they should be able to control your headaches, may take a bit of trial and error to find the right medication.
I think most of us here have oversensitivity to bright light and noise ; as Janet says, it comes with the territory. For shopping on bright days and in supermarkets, I use dark glasses and earplugs (wax earplugs which can be loosened slightly but stay secure for hearing if necessary).
Because of incompatibility with other meds, and digestion issues, I can't have painkillers other then Codeine and/or Paracetamol for pain so struggle a great deal with headaches/migraines. But if you can use NSAIDS safely there's a good chance your doctor can prescribe something effective to help with the pain.
Good luck Maria. Cat x
Like others have said the headache and sensitivity seem like a free gift with your bi.
Personally my usual headache is a constant pressure on my right side that ebbs and flows throughout the day.
The sensitivity is to multi noise rather than volume and also I suffer light sensitivity.
Seems a common normal theme on here . Hang on does that make me normal? .no never.
Thank you everyone for your responses
Okay, so it comes with the tbi and so far everybody has responded with pressure headache,which are my worst ones, but at present all I am being treated for is migraines. I am on a whole load of tablets and injections and yes the migraines are less. Visual effects are not though.
The only medication that helps is codeine and that is not seen as a long term solution.
Floating in water helps me, but only whilst floating. I have an inflatable hot tub, but I can only afford to run it when the weather is clement. Still too cold at night. A quick dip before bed helps me sleep.
Hi Maria, Sorry to learn of your discomforts. As other posters have reiterated they are part and parcel of a tbi. In my case it was diagnosed as cluster headaches and trigeminal neuralgia, for which I take Carmazepine.
It helps...
Stay strong.
Hey - I bashed heads with my dog 2 weeks ago - yes you can laugh at that - and ended up with concussion and had 2 weeks off work for the symptoms.
I am bored stiff at home and feel fine in myself but coming back to work - I am computer based and I am finding that the computer is giving me a banging headache by lunchtime where I end up not being able to concentrate, lose focus and neck really aches - none of this happened before the TBI.
I ended up in A&E with a CT scan so all is good and nothing serious but am really struggling with headaches, nausea and occasional dizziness - how long is going to last for, anyone know? Any ideas to try and alleviate the symptoms? I can't take codeine as allergic but getting through paracetamol like water and they don't help. I get a good sleep and don't have any trouble getting to sleep. I drink about 1.5-2litres of water a day and walk the dog for 90 mins a day.....