I’ve had really bad headaches/ migraines the last few years and I’ve tried countless medication but nothing has helped of yet. However, the doctors have recommended Botox which is meant to be a good solution but has anyone else has this for the same reason? If so, did you find it helped? Were there any side effects or issues?
headaches/migraine resolutions: I’ve had really bad... - Headway
headaches/migraine resolutions

I still have headaches cannot listen to loud noises as hurts find drinking water helps
When I was in rehab I suffered from excruciating pains in my head. Sound, light and movement affected me massively. They then gave me some botox injections all around my head, 6 in total, and it made things bearable. I do still get very bad pain but generally only when I've done too much. If I manage it properly, which I inevitably don't, then it's normally OK.I would say having the botox was definitely worth it for me and I'm glad they gave it to me. It didn't give me any side effects or issues.
I have headaches all day every day not like yours Cows4life . I keep mine bearable with my medication but it does get worse when I’m active and out and about so then I have to rest for a couple of days. I wish you well with getting a solution to yours. X
Did you ever try a low histamine diet in case a low histamine tolerance is the cause of your migraines? You can also look at reducing DAO inhibitors in your diet such as black tea.
I found I could not tolerate a lot of histamine rich foods. Wine and any grape based spirits trigger migraine in my case. I was unable to tolerate a combination of high histamine foods in my diet as well. Combinations such as eggs, legumes (lentils). They could make my joints swell up slightly.
There is a book, 'Is Food making you sick?' and a website low-histamine.com about this.
A naturopathic doctor recommended perillia oil capsules. When I take these, I can tolerate some of the histamine rich foods more, such as eggs, and have reintroduced these into my fiet in moderation.
Hope this helps.
I’ve had migraines since I was 14 and have tried everything! I won’t take triptans anymore and only have paracetamol and 3 dissolvable aspirin alternately which helps. Thankfully (or not) I only seem to mainly get hormonal migraines for 3 days every month which leaves me in bed as nothing touches them. Since my surgery I get migraines if I’m tired or stressed but I’ve had to learn how to manage this. My doctor said that Botox wouldn’t help me, only the menopause 🤯
Hi Cows4life, I always suffered migraines for years, horrendous head pains, nausea, and then at the later years visual disturbances, which I found quite unsettling. These all stopped when my aneurysm ruptured, I haven’t had a migraine since, I don’t think the connection is the bleed but more likely the medication, I have been on lots of different pain medication as I still get head pain, I now take topimirate, which it says is given for migraine too so who knows, just glad to be rid of them, hope you get yours sorted love Alice xx
Aww bless you, that must have been very scary! Hope you’re okay now xx
it’s worth mentioning to the doctors about some other meds such as the one you recommended 🤷🏼♀️☺️ did you have any other symptoms that alluded to the aneurysm?
I still have my aneurysm, it can’t be removed because it is underneath the brain and not accessible, to be cut out. I have had stents and coils fitted several times, but it’s very unpredictable. I was told I wouldn’t survive a rupture because it’s in the area that deals with breathing and swallowing, so to be here now I count my blessings everyday and my motto is never give up hope. It has grown so big since and been pressing on my brain stem and then several scans later a blood clot developed and blocked the aneurysm and it has started to shrink, so that is where I am up to today, so you see unpredictable little bugger xx
Hi there, yes migraine has been relentless. The first round of Botox was amazing, then the second round didn’t work at all. Nothing has helped and I am in bed four days a week. I go too thin for the Ajovy injections but you’re not at the end of options, there are still more out there!
I had horrible, multi-day migraines for a few years before my TBI which my doctor now thinks are Long COVID (what exactly I don't know - also diagnosed with POTS and possible MCAS). After my concussion I had horrible headaches for ages, and still get them with fatigue, and the occasional migraine, but not as often. I didn't get on with any migraine preventative meds and sometimes sumatriptan worked and sometimes it didn't (but I didn't like how it made me too sleepy to work anyway).
A few things I have tried: giving up coffee (just have tea now - I was previously drinking coffee like it was going out of fashion and would never have considered doing this); reducing the painkillers I take (I was taking them most days); having to seriously think about my fatigue and stress levels. As I say the migraines still come but I think it's generally when I'm really overstressed and fatigued (or actually just after I stop); when I'm premenstrual/menstrual; and when I have an infection like a UTI or something.
It's annoying advice, but honestly I think having to think more actively about my fatigue/stress and not being able to mask it with coffee has made some difference. But they're still a little bit random.