I hate gp receptionist they are dragons they refusr to give me a face to face appointment despite my gp telling me to tell them it's under the instructions of my gp !!!! So I need to try a 3rd time later and I'm so stressed I cant appreciate the wolf whistle from a building site that I have to storm back and forth past
Argh I hate gp receptionists !!!! I am under the o... - Headway
Argh I hate gp receptionists !!!! I am under the order of my gp GIVE ME A Appointment!!!

You aren’t alone in this train of thought. My Dr now books the appointments for me whilst I’m there as they can override the system provided it’s not too far in advance (8 weeks).
There must be a national pool of grouchy receptionists which they choose from. Like most jobs they probably have targets to meet but the whole “you may be asked details to direct you.” Seems to be another excuse for nosey receptionists to be privy to information that they don’t need to know. Hmm wonder how this fits in with new GDPR regulations.
Yes I once had to explain to a receptionist the reason why I wanted to see a gp was because I was lactating but I wasnt pregnant only to be asked what's lactating like women do you not have a chest !!!!! And I response in a snide comment that's why I need to see a medical professional not a receptionist and I got a appointment so everytime I now need a appointment I feel a need to lie went actually its the truth and say my sever traumatic brain injury is causing me issues and bam appointment when they have told the person behind and infront of me we have no appointments for today come back tomorrow hence why you need to skill up on medical terminology to play them at their own game
Wow ur surgery is good,only have a nurse that has done this once!
Do you have any special alert when the receptionist brings up your record. I have something similar to the Headway card as a warning that I may not understand remember. Possibly need to add may be angered easily to mine.
No but I may suggest that if and when I eventually see her as my Injury has never caused me issues for 16 years
I wear brain injury card round my neck for receptionists-makes no difference,they all blind! LOL
Is the same everywhere-it's typical to have to be persistent or u can't be ill that NHS & DWP do! Receptionists annoy me as all have to save appts back,just don't know who these are fo! I have a real obnoxious one in my surgery i just went back to-once i get past them is ok!
bexx my gp gives me a slip to give to the receptionist so there is no confrontation between myself and the receptionist. i can be very rude and as a result of my bi i was left with a speech impediment, i swear.
maybe you could ask the receptionist to contact the gp to confirm the face to face.
steve x
I always ask for a phone call from the GP which they do, then GP makes my appointment for me if needed. Yet you wonder why the GP don't say anything to the receptionists as to why they would not let me have an appointment despite GP saying on file that I needed to be seen..
It is indeed they keep offering over phone consultation which is no good the hospital have advised GP to refer me to physiologists and nurologist but still haven't heard from that, GP said to keep me BP down hence he wants to see me every3 weeks it's a ďrain to be honest, with reception it's called on the day system