Hey, I got my brain injury like a year and a half ago and I haven't spoken to any other sufferers my sort of age. Anyone who is like between 18 and 30 please get in touch!✌️
Am I the only brain injury guy under 30?! - Headway
Am I the only brain injury guy under 30?!

Sadly there are quite a few out there under 30.
Quite a few on here still feel we are under 30 but carry bus passes!
Welcome to the board BTW
Hiiiii!! What happened to you?
Hi Jamiedavid, My son had a sub arachnoid bleed last year at the age of 18. No warning nothing....he had surgery and seemed ok but has now got to go in for further surgery as it is leaking. Please dont feel that you are alone in this as you are not, How did you get your brain injury hun??
im 34 now but I had a stroke when I was 29 x
My son was 26 when he had accident. 29 now- I cannot get him to come on this site yet but if I can answer any questions I will do so-as to how it has affected lifestyle/relationships etc.It has been a difficult time for him and family.
Hi.I have sent you a little message direct.My son was 22 when he had a TBI in a RTA on holiday 2 yrs ago. You are def not alone. x
Hi there.. you are actually in the highest risk group for TBI (young males are known to be "more adventurous" and more likely to be involved in higher risk activities therefore constitute a high risk group) and will definitely not be the only one around...If you contact Headway they should be able to point you in the direction of services aimed at younger survivors...
In the meantime you are welcome to hang out with some of us oldies I was in my forties when I sustained my TBI...ancient huh?
When I had my accident, I was couldn't understand why it had such at a severe effect. My wuife and I came across multiple / repetitive impact syndrome we though possibly. Then we worked out just how many bumps I had since we me as teenagers, the penny dropped.
So yes rugby, cars, climbing, general larking yep certainly more of risk then
28 when I had my bi now 29.
I was 32 and felt very disconnected from the rest of the headway group I attended, they were mainly older people. The few of us that were younger had mainly trauma related injuries, the older had mainly bleed/ clot from stroke type injuries.
I'm in my 40's now so obviously very old! My family as I'm mor like a teenager
There are quite a few lads around and one or two girls. Ask your local Headway if there is anything that they go to. It would be nice if you managed to meet up with a group and go to football or bowling etc.The beauty about having BI friends is that you can just relax in their company because they understand you and also can give you tips to help you.
My fiancé was 20 when he had his brain injury due to a RTA he is now 22, feel free to message me if you want to talk... I've been through the whole journey with him x x
My surgery was few weeks ago on my 29th birthday. That was apparently my birthday present said the nurses and the GP. Yeh thanks. Feel so much better.