So I'm home getting ot and physio at home twice a week, I need to come to terms with having to give up my studio as it is up a flight of stairs I feel like a failure but nothing can be done I so t want to quit and I feel like I have let everyone down we have a massive disused outhouse at the back of our garden that I could use but I'm still looking at 3 grand to get it sorted which I haven't got someone mentioned about doing a just giving page but I'd feel like I was begging π I'm just lost I don't know whT to do
Prepping for new life: So I'm home getting ot and... - Headway
Prepping for new life

Michelle, it's not begging, and if lots of people can give a little to help you get your life back on track, then why not, you don't need a fortune and it would be amazing for you.
Look at what's been given to that teenager who lost his legs racing cars. At the risk of being controversial, I know who I'd rather see the money go to.
Make some plans xxx
I always donate to Just Giving for folk on here. And you're as worthy as anyone else Michelle for the way you fought back after being brought down so low. And now you're already planning another comeback after a second illness.
Go for it m'dear, for both yourself and your gorgeous kids, ................and the 'B' word is nonsense ! Lots of love xxx
Go for it and see what happens! Get your message right and let people know you will be giving back in some way once you are up and running. (I don't mean financially but there are many other ways)
Stick your head out and be brave - go on! What have you got to lose? x
Or try Crowdfunding, which is where the public get a non cash "benefit" for supporting the project. In your case it could be a free photo session.
I tried that 1st time round when I started out but no one was interested π
Ah well, worth a try.
What needs doing to your out house to make it into a studio ?
Well we had someone loot at it when we moved in and apparently it needs to be knocked down and rebuilt the only thing keeping it up are the window and door frames and the cheapest quote we had was just under 3 grand
Wish you lived closer, it would be a nice project to build you a studio.
Awwww π where are you x
I am in Wales, west of Swansea.
Pre injury, although not my main profession. I used to do a lot of building. Post injury it was the only therapy I had to regain my cognitive and motor skills. Took me endless sessions just trying to hit the top of a nail with a hammer
About two years after my incident, I built myself a huge workshop with a bathroom and kitchen. Strangely no balance problems on a 5m roof but did walking across a room
This week just finished my sons bedroom where I did everything from fitting new windows, new electrics, even hand made all the furniture including the bed and fitted the carpets.
I need to keep challenging myself to try and get back to my old self
It's not begging it is just asking for help. Having a studio at home would give you so much scope to use your talent. Sospan seems to be a great adviser. Don't give up.
I have added a photo of the out houses
So Today I had to finally give up my studio so I have thought about this all carefully and have decided to do the go fund me my friends are setting it up I just have to email my landlord to make sure he is ok with it all x thanks for listening and helping x