I'm struggling.
It's tough at night when you think about what you used to have. I was doing well in my degree, I was setting up some things for after uni, I had my friends (still love em), I went to the gym, I played my piano. I had my life in order.
I'm young, my life hasn't really begun (or so I'm told), I've done some great things, and it was all picking up nicely for me. I'm not sure, it feels like my life has become a struggle from the time that I'm meant to starting, it's tough to watch your friends create lives for themselves while you have to worry about the next medication you're going to be on, or whether your surgery is going to work, or if your seizures are ever going to clear up.
I got away with it really, my heads pretty messed up, I get tired quickly, and my vision is shot on the right, but apart from that I'm all good, but that doesn't really console me. The prospect of another stroke drives me crazy, and developing epilepsy is the icing on the nightmare cake.
I know that doesn't do any good, and that you should just forget about it, but sometimes you just want to put your fist through a wall. It's just cruel random selection.