Traumatic Brain Injury: Why You Get So Cranky, Irr... - Headway
Traumatic Brain Injury: Why You Get So Cranky, Irritated, & Overwhelmed
Sorry Sca, the video keeps showing 'Error'. xx
Maybe try this: or on you tube search for Traumatic Brain Injury: Why You Get So Cranky, Irritated, & Overwhelmed.
That's the one !! Thanks Sca I'll take a look. xx
Some interesting ideas from this lady. The lavender essential oil applied directly onto the skin around the area of the brain stem is appealing, as is the medical marijuana oil.
I'm also looking into the Syntonic spectacles which, it's claimed, filter out excess stimuli. To me, it makes sense that different light frequencies can affect our brain function. This paragraph explains the process better than I ever could :-
Through the application of selected visible-light frequencies through the eyes, syntonics improves vision problems. When light enters the eyes, however, it doesn’t only serve vision. Some retinal nerves connect the retina directly to non-visual brain centers such as the hypothalamus and pineal gland. These centers influence electrical, chemical and hormonal balances, which affect all body functions including vision. Years of clinical application and research have demonstrated that certain selected light frequencies applied by way of the eyes to these centers can produce beneficial results in the body.
Very interesting : thank you Sca ! x
Thank you so much this sites fab. Noise is a huge thing for me. Seriously a sound proof room sounds like heaven but in watching this going to get some ear deffenders wish it crossed my mind before. Oh and theres another link on page for fatigue explains it perfectly going to play it to my husband. Thank you for sharing this. Fab x
Thanks Sca,
Finally checked this out this morning, this lady's website is brill, loved the video on fatigue that's me to a T and it explains just what has happened to me lately, trying to do too much without rest and proper sustenance.
Will do better then hopefully can function in a more controlled manner
Janet x