I feel like my BI has given me more physical problems rather than mental.
My hippocampus I like to think is in good nick.
I don't usually have problems with anger. I used to get frustrated more easily about things but I have kind of filtered a lot of that now. And it probably helps more being a simpleton :).
I mainly have trouble with my balance and fatigue and partly my speech. I might forget something here and there but not all the time.
I can have trouble processing what somebody has said to me. I rarely speak on the phone because depending on whose talking to me, I can have trouble... even if it's a robot (automated call) :).
When talking face to face, I am normally OK at listening to what a person says but for me it all depends on background noise as well. If I were in a crowded place and someone was talking to me, chances are I wouldn't hear a word of it.
Sometimes when a person might be talking to me and my mum, they might say something that I interpreted completely different to what my mum heard and it leaves me thinking "Is it me or am I going barmy?".
Or she might even say something to me that I have heard completely differently.
I did say to me folks when I was younger that when I get older, I am going to feel the affects more with my BI.