My dad is in the middle of filling in forms to acquire a passport for me right now.
He has filled in the forms for me, I have got some passport photos and I have got a counter signature which all sounds quite simple.
My dad took the forms to my local post office today and there are some problems. They are basically being nitpicky ********.
They pointed out some of the things that were wrong and some of the things referring the photo were that I wasn't near enough to the screen. I was wearing glasses. And the woman at the counter said to my dad I should close my mouth.
Because of my BI, I have nerve damage and therefore weak muscles, especially notable in my face. I cannot naturally press my lips together.
I told my mum about what this person said about closing my mouth, my mum said she would've ripped her head off. It was such a rude thing to ask. My dad said she was simply just asking but still it is a very rude thing to be asking. It's like asking an amputee (armless person) for their fingerprint.
Anyway, because of this nitpicking, I will have to get new photos done now which means I have to spend more money. So they want me to spend more money because they are being buttmunches.
What if I were poor? What if I was a person who could not get gold of money so easily? They don't think about that do they. And why do they have to be so anal about the photo? Is it because of security reasons? Or is it because they are being massive **** heads?
If it were for security reasons, the reason why my mouth is open is because I am holding a capsule full of poison under my tongue :).