Frosty the snowman... Man,man,man,man,man.
Another Christmas jumper: Frosty the snowman... Man... - Headway
Another Christmas jumper

Hi Matt,
DOn't blame you for using the book to maintain your annoniminity, especially wearing that jumper
Unfortunately you've forgotten that a) We know your posting name and b) we've seen your profile piccy.
Now I know why you're so desperate to grab big Bro's wardrobe, so you can hide your jumpers lol, or are they big Bro's left behinds?
Keep up the good humour Matt, trust me it's worth the effort.
Thanks a lot, Sporan :).
I wasn't trying to use the iPad to guise myself I hope you know :).
I was trying to get a food shot of my jumper :).
I have my big bro's wardrobe now, what WAS his is now mine *evil laugh*. But that jumper and the other Christmas jumpers are mine :).
The "evil laugh" laugh was a bit scary, especially this close to Christmas... Now I'll lay awake all night scared and Santa won't leave me no presents ;-(
I think on the quiet your a bit od a control freak and big bro left before you could take full control and he voluntarily swap rooms (and wardrobes) lol
Aww, I'm sure santa eill leave you presents if you're awake all night or not :).
The thing with my bro is, he doesn't losten to what anyone says, rest of family, he listens mainly to himself. I dunno why he did not move years ago. The other thing was, his room was probably a quarter bigger than mine and my room was like a carboard box, I had no room for a wardrobe, I kept my clothes in plastic tubs :).
Now, I don't have to do that :).
My wife tries to keep me in a plastic tup to "Keep me fresh"...... Hasn't worked so far lol
Just glad you got your extra space. Is that your early Christmas present.
PS Only just escaped 'The Wife' buying me a Christmas Jumper.
Theplastic tub hasnt worked so far, that is a shame, has she tried cryogenically freezing you? I've heard that is good
I suppose the extra space could be seem as an extra christmas present
Not the cryo what it but she's given me the cold shoulder a few times!! Tha't didn't keep me fresh either. Think I'm a lost cause. SHe's now wondering if she put me in with the food waste bin or general rubbish bin. Hope it's the general rubbish cause she'd have to chop me up real small to go in food wast and do it over a few weeks lol
NO!!!! Don't send her a sharp knife!
She was told by the greengrocer that bruised fruit never lasts lol..... Hang on not to ssure about the 'fruit' bit lol
I'm not to sure about what your talking about now, you lost me haha.
Matt you are funny and of course
Sporan is too. I hope I am a bit as well.
Thank you Hannah :).
I'm sure Sporan thanks you to but right now he seems to be a little anti social :), joking Sporan.
I do thank you Hannah, it's not a deliberate funny, just the bizzarre brain waves, well tsunami's really
I love humour it's what wakes me up.
Matt, do you know my Aunty Social, cause I wouldn't want to be her, she's got no friends at all lol