Got any Crimbo jumpers you'd like to share?
Christmas jumper: Got any Crimbo jumpers you'd like... - Headway
Christmas jumper

Not got one yet Is there a gild coin inside that big pud of yours?

I'm afraid not, but it would be good if there was :).
Sure youre not a belly dancer with a gold coin on your belly button. Come on Matt tell the truth ha ha!

Me... A belly dancer... I beg your pardon haha.
Hi Matt,
I never belly dance...... my belly manages well enough on it's own
Neither am I Sporan. To be honest, I dunno where this belly talk came from really, am I missing something?
Blame Karen, I think it was her that started this off shoot lol.
I notice you didn't answer the bit about the gold coin though. Is that be cause you've put it in with the rest of the hoard?
Yes, it was Karen that started the gold coin malarky, and then belly damcing came into it.
Karen asked me if I had a gold coin and said no, afraid not.
I wish I did have a hoard of gold coins though :).
I keep asking Santa for a few gold coins but all I find in my Chrimbo stocking is a tired walnut and a soggy Satsuma lol.
AS I am sure you have already guessed, I would sooner chew my own feet than wear a novelty Xmas jumper and I am really hoping nobody else feels the need to share if they happen to own a novelty monstrosity...
Whatever is the world coming to you'll be talking about Xmas lights next -...and I like those even less than I like Xmas jumpers LOL
Ah yes, I forgot iforget :). You are the residential stick-in-the-mud aren't you. You would really chew your feet than wear an xmas novelty jumper, that's a bit harsh haha.
The broken doll named 'Emma' apparently possesses one of these so called "monstrosities " and am yet waiting to see this picture :).
I like xmas lights when they are the right colours. I wasnt actually going to start talking about Christmas lights but then you brang them up... :).
I am actually not in the least bit a stick in the mud...but I have to admit that when it comes to the naff side of Xmas it just makes me come over all Bah Humbug
Still if it makes you feel better, then feel free to insult me... I have thick skin and a shite memory so I won't be holding a grudge LOL
Christmas is widely overrated and there is a lot of Christmas crap but the jumpers I and my family possess are thankfully not crap, well at least that is not what we think, I dunno about my Dad though haha. We might get them, where them a little while, get rid of em and then get some more next Christmas :). I'd rather where a Christmas jumper than put a giant blow up santa claus on my roof haha, how tacky.
Wow Matt
That is probably the most Christmassey Christmas jumper I have ever seen!
I haven't got one, but I would have shown a pic of my hedgehog one if I knew how to upload photos from my new fone!

You think that is the most Christmassy one do you, I have a couple others that are better :).

You think that is the most Christmassy one do you, I have a couple others that are better :).
what can possibly be more Christmassey than a Christmas pudding?!
I hear an echo now lol!

Haha Karen :).

And I see a double chin, on me that is.
Ive got more chins than a phone book :).
Haha that's cos ure looking down while u take ure need more selfie practice lol .
I'm no good at that either id have more chins than you!

I was trying right hard to take reasonable picture which would not capture that one fatty part of my face :).
But to get a good picture of the jumper, I could not include much of my face and like you said about looking down, I tried to avoid that but it was quite difficult.
Speaking of selfies there was a member of staff at my local Headway's Christmas meal taking selfies and I managed to photo bomb one of the selfies :).