Hi everyone. I am now back from my holiday. I managed to fly all the way from Durban/Johannesburg/Heathrow, on my own without any help. My family and my dogs were very happy to see me. I am now quite tired, and was a bit wobbly when I took my dogs out for a walk just now. Cheers!
Holiday: Hi everyone. I am now back from my holiday... - Headway

Fantastic, glad it all went ok xxxx best wishes Janet
Well done you , now have a few days rest with your dogs and put your feet up x
Welcome back Debs & well done for facing that journey. Plenty of rest now . . . . . . . . . . . . & cuddles with pooches. xx
welcome back enjoy your canine reunion. How's Widget (apart from happy to have you back)?
Thank you all so much. Widget is getting stronger by the week. It's nice to be going to bed with the two dogs. Sleep tite!
Welcome home...glad you had a good trip... be gentle with yourself as you brain and body get used to where they're at...
Jet lag is brutal...I am planning on getting me some of that very soon too
Very, very well done, quite an adventure. I remember my first solo trip and a flight to Guernsey doesn't quite compare to your own loooong trip!
Glad you got home safe and sound, welcome back.
Thanks so much
I must say that since my holiday, I have been feeling very down. I miss my boys! I know I am much better living over here, as in south Africa I would not receive any benefits, and I can't expect my sons to look after me again. I just need time! I will be ok!
A family member of mine is in johannesburg, a very close one. he remarried and she is a nurse out there. its a long flight i hope you have recovered by now, xxx
It's great to hear you had a great holiday and you enjoyed yourself glad you got back safe and sound, hope you rest now your back, I'm sure the jetlag will go soon (think it's jetlag?)
Only just realised you came back from holiday 5 days ago, only just noticed, so I hope you have recovered from the jetlag and you did enjoy yourself on your holiday, I'm sure you did.
Yes thanks. I think I am now recovered. It's just that I miss my sons so much! We had such a great time!
I think it's a good sign that you managed to travel all the way there have a full holiday and come back safe and sound so i'd see it as a positive that you could travel to see your sons again in the future, maybe not straight away but it's always something to look forward to in a few months, as long as you have the money to go over and feel up to the traveling wouldn't see much stopping you now.
You're so right. I really have a lot to be thankful for! Xx
I've been told I'm never allowed to learn how to drive a car, but on a positive note I'm still allowed on the road but riding a bicycle as long as I wear a helmet and wear reflective gear and have plenty of road safety lessons before I get on the road, which I can't wait for, I think it was my nan, who told me that there is always a positive to come out of a negative or I heard someone say it in person or on tv. I had my accident and I designed a t'shirt which has made other people think about following their dreams and hopefully it'll snowball in a good way. It has also made me realise more to never take life for granted ever again, ok I can't do too many things in the day because I end up pretty tired quite early, but I've started following all the dreams I want to reach by the time my time does come. Like you visiting your sons, I have started visiting my older family members even if it's just for half an hour as most of my family lives in england some further away than others and some in other countries but I'm trying to visit them all at least once a year, and once I get a passport I will try to visit all the family members who live in other countries. Hope that makes sense.
Hope your future carries on looking bright and you enjoy yourself in the future xx
Thanks so much. Yes, I was lucky to drive in SA, as I have an SA drivers licence, but over here I haven't yet got my licence. I was told my vertigo is the problem. We'll see next time. See my opthalmologist! I know that feeling of wanting to catch up with all your relatives. I have also been doing that as much as possible.
That is fantastic xx