Wheatgerm in products - Can I use it in skin cream ?
Can I use skin products that contain ... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Can I use skin products that contain wheatgerm ? (edited)
I've been told not to use it
I've been looking into this whole area and there seems to be a lot of conflicting opinion as to whether gluten can be absorbed through the skin or not. On balance, I've decided to err on the side of caution and ditch any toiletries that contain gluten, which would include wheatgerm.
It may well be that you won't experience any problems with your moisturiser, but if you are in any doubt, I would think it would make sense to switch to a gluten-free brand.
In my own case, I just want to feel that I am doing everything possible to get better, and it seems only logical to remove all sources of gluten from my life.
Do hope that helps...
According to the Coeliac Society wheat & gluten containing skin products are perfectly safe for coeliacs to use unless they have Dermatitis herpetiformis. That is not my experience though I have a dermatitis reaction to gluten containing products. skinsmatter.com site covers skin allergies in quite a lot of detail and might be useful.(edited)