I'm coeliac and also have an intolerance to cows milk. I switched to soya products when I found out, such as milk and yoghurt but I keep getting stomach pains and bloating. Can anyone advise on whether soya is good or bad for you? I've been told goats milk is easier digested. Thanks
Should I give up soya products? - Gluten Free Guerr...
Should I give up soya products?

Hi Lucy27,
I'm a dairy intolerant coeliac who has also given up eating soya.
However it wasn't due to bloating and stomach pains. It was because it brought on fatigue after eating it, making me feel like I wanted to be in bed. Shame - because I loved eating Tofu.
Good luck figuring it out
I see from your previous post that you are newly diagnosed. The villi produce lactase and that ability will recover as your villi regrow. The lactase is an enzyme that digests lactose. So, with time, your cows milk difficulty may improve. There are lactose free milks and some dairy is naturally low in lactase, look for a list of values on google.
Soya is a problem for some people - try stopping it for a couple of weeks and do a trial and see what happens. It may just be that your gut isn't healed enough yet.
Ideally, it is best not to exclude too many things from your diet unless they actually seem to cause a problem. Easiest to do if you try and eat unprocessed foods. Targetting a problem ingredient if the list has 20 items is nearly impossible, if it is a carrot it is fairly obvious.
I read a bmj article that stated soya was bad for females and can affect our lady bits, bringing on early puberty in girls a affecting fertility in child bearing age
I would suggest listening to your own body. If something makes you feel a certain way then it's your body telling you it doesn't like it. Even with celiac - what one person can tolerate another person cannot. Good luck.
It may be the cassein in the dairy products as well as the lactose, so you may never be able to tolerate it, but keep yr fingers crossed that in time you may be able to. i would also suggest going without soya for a while & see if you improve. I can't do dairy or soya, (amongst many other things seemingly) but unsweetened coconut milk & almond milk are my substitutes, as well as my latest discovery......Booja Booja ice cream & chocolates......they are lush & really hit the spot when only that chocolate fix will do. They don't have any gluten, dairy or soya & are the only chocolate substitutues that taste fab! They do contain nuts though, cashews, but hopefully you can have those. Good luck
Try a soya without maltodextrin
I did exactly the same (although not a diagnosed coeliac) but then had to give up soya too as it started giving me an upset stomach. But, as pretender said, the sweetened soya and nut milks may use wheat and barley derivatives.
I cant have soya products either so when I did some research, I read that its not the actual soy bean but its grown in crop rotation with wheat and it gets contaminated. I use Almond Breeze milk and avoid soya products totally. Not much you can do.