Need some serious help trying to comp... - Gluten Free Guerr...

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Need some serious help trying to compile a diet!

paulb44 profile image
19 Replies

I have just had an IgE FACT test and amongst being celiac, i have allergies to the following: Potatoes/Onions/Asparagus/Aubergine/Beetroot/Cucumber/Mustard/Kale/Spinach/Shallot/Egg white/Oregano/Parsley/Rice Milk/Soya Milk/Rice/Soya/Walnut/Wheat/Almond/Hazelnut/Millet/Peanut.......and there was alot of foods not there that i have no idea about.

I'm trying to heal my leaky gut, and have bought L Glutamine and Betaine to produce some stomach acid for digestion, i may have to get some pancreatic enzymes also.

I have parietal cell antibodies which is also highly suggestive of B12 and Folate deficiency. I am taking Methylcobalamin in sublingual spray 1200mcg. I have Folic acid by Health Aid, but wonder if i'm also not absorbing this, and wonder if i could take my folic acid tabs as sublingual?

My main problem is trying to arrange a weekly diet around my food allergies, and am really not up to it......i have accomplished alot of tasks in my life, but this one is seriously stumped me. Does anyone have any ideas or are there any books or online recipes set out, that make it easier?.........Yeah i know what i CAN eat, but trying to compile these ingredients into recipes is a challenge too far for me. So if anyone has some sound advice, please send it my way! :(

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paulb44 profile image
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19 Replies
FionaGFG profile image


Can you remind us - have you had an endoscopy? At the time did they also assess if you had atrophic gastritis? There is one type that is auto-immune and often linked with Pernicious Anemia. So if you have that then taking the extra enzymes etc may not help much. If you haven't had that checked it's worth discussing tests for it with your Dr.

Pernicious Anemia can also cause other digestive issues. So it maybe that you are having a hard time processing them rather than having a full allergy to something. Do also remember that people can sometimes tolerate a small amount of something if they are intolerant i.e. half an onion vs a whole onion.

If I were you I'd try and look at the problem backwards i.e. what do you usually eat in a week at the moment for breakfast, lunch, dinner / snacks etc? Write it all down. Now try and review amongst that what contains the foods you feel you need to avoid. Now try and consider what you can easily adapt i.e. chives to replace onion. What are you left with? Are there enough meals for you to get by ok initially if so muddle on and take things slowly. Avoiding many things in one go can be hard, time consuming and disheartening. Try and allow yourself at least one to two weeks to get into the swing of a new restrained diet.

You may find these resources helpful:

- our pinterest page

(see the FODMAP board as many of the items you list are meant to be avoided on that diet)

- read this media-cache-ec4.pinterest.c...

- read a simple explanation

- this maybe a useful cookbook

There's not necessarily going to be a perfect one size fits all meal planner for you. However, you may well find useful bloggers online and often BBC Good Food and Channel 4 Food are adding intolerance / allergy restricted diet info all the time.

You may also find searching this forum's Tag directory for FODMAP very useful as well.

Good luck.

paulb44 profile image
paulb44 in reply to FionaGFG

Thanks Fiona, great info! :) x

Lynxcat profile image

Hi Paul, There are various sites that may be of help to you regarding tasty recipes excluding the items that you can no longer eat. You may well have to go through them and disclude some of the recipes as none of us are the same and therefore are subject to different challenges in our daily diet requirements. Take a look at these sites and see if they may be of help to you .......

All Vitamin ~B's are best taken in liquid form if you really have a major shortage of them and should be placed under the tongue for maximum delivery (they are water soluble and so do not take with fatty foods). This little guide to B12 may be of interest to you:

Regarding diet check out the following and hopefully they may be of use to you:


What a lot of people forget regarding the problems that modern human's have with modern day diets .. grain and various seeds and vegetables, is that man's gut became very much shortened around 1.5 or so million years ago when he first became aware of fire and cooking with fire. Food became more nutritious - he could include rich meats full of minerals in his daily eating. This meant that he didn't require spending three parts of his day eating as he would if he survived on grasses and plants .. he became free with much more time on his hands. He required less volume of food. Now we are trying to force back this type of thinking to increasing volume and we do not have the length of gut to cope with it any more.

paulb44 profile image

Thanks Lynxcat........I know all the facts and the right foods,it's just hard to makeup a weekly menu.........I'll try and knuckle down tomorrow. :) x

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply to paulb44

Hi again Paul, Try and do a few one-pan meals. These are usually very nourishing, easy to make and extremely tasty. A prime carbohydrate could be carrot which tends to be safe for most everyone surprisingly enough - thank goodness the Roman's brought it over when they invaded those many moons ago! Lol! To the carrot try adding something like pork mince this is quite a gentle mince to digest and cooks up in a one-pan mixture extremely efficiently .. they sell very lean ones and M & S and also now at Aldi - both of these versions cook softly and become extremely easy on the tum. Peas are, I think acceptable on your diet, may be a little parsley both fresh and dried (this contains vitamins and minerals - more than any other herb )Jerry's favourite of Marigold Swiss Vegetable Bouillon adds flavour as does a little black pepper. To this you could then add other vegetables, herbs and spices that you really like - try different meats, etc .. it is a useful base for a main meal.


Hi Paul, just to take Fiona's advice one step further eg look at what you like to eat and work backwards. There's also some good links from lynxcat.

Now you know what you must avoid so make a list of what you can eat, and to me what jumps out is quinoa, quinoa is classed as a super food by some as it contains all the vital amino acids that our bodies require to function on. The Inca warriors marched to war eating just quinoa and fat. And you can get quinoa in flakes suitable for a gruel (porridge) quinoa flour for baking and quinoa seeds that you cook just like rice.

In case you're interested all the food we eat is broken down into 23 base amino acids and our bodies make 15 of these but the remaining 8 have to come from the food we eat and quinoa contains all 23.

Another food that might interest you is Tahini (sesame seed butter) this is because sesame seeds are very rich in calcium and you have to avoid soy and dairy so sesame products could be a good source of calcium for you.

And for leaky gut there is Manuka honey, all honeys contain a natural antibacterial enzymes and importantly a natural hydrogen peroxide, this hydrogen peroxide is usually broken down by body fluids so is only effective with surface wounds except for honeys like manuka which for some reason is resistant to body fluids and is known to help cure ulcers and is used to treat leaky gut. Please see:

So rather than plan a weekly menu I'd try various foods that you can eat and then stock up with the ones that you like best and take it from there.

And good luck.

in reply to

Ps I buy manuka honey in Sainsbury's.

paulb44 profile image
paulb44 in reply to

Great info! I have TPO antibobies, could the honey help or hinder with this?

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply to

Jerry, They do a good source of Manuka honey at Aldi too! It is £3.99 ... here is the link to check it out to see if it is the kind that you like:

Some Manuka's are a little woody but this one is particularly nice! :)

in reply to Lynxcat

That's really good value at Aldi so thanks for the tip. I prefer set honey as well and I pay £10.50 for a jar at Sainsbury's. I also buy Quillay active honey and that's from the Chilean rainforests. So there are other active honey's as well as Manuka.

I also agree that Paul should see a nutritionist as they could answer all the queries you may have over honey etc.

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply to

I have never heard of Ulmo Active Honey, Jerry .. so thank you for this tip. They do not sell many Duerr products in our area but will check out all of the honey ranges again as I would like to try some it sounds as though it would be a beautiful rich flavour ..... as you have probably guessed I am a honey fan - so much so I have, in fact, just purchased my own beehive so I hopefully will at some time in the future be able to have my own raw honey, propolis, pollen and beeswax. The queen and her brood will not be ready for collection until next year! According to the rule, my queen should be red .. I have of course chosen a very docile breed of bee!!

The Aldi Manuka is a set honey and has a pleasant caramel flavour.

in reply to Lynxcat

I'll be interested in how your bee keeping goes as I've thought of buying a hive. I love bee's as well as honey and I was surprised that bee's like Virginia creeper as I had one growing all over my garage and it's roof and the buzz from all the bee's would make people ask what it was! And the sound inside the garage was a constant humming.

When I had a new roof fitted to the garage I made the builders wait until the season was over and they thought I was a bit bonkers waiting for bee's. But you've got to have your priorities right LOL.

Lynxcat profile image
Lynxcat in reply to

Just for you, these are really well made, thick and solid.

You will have to Google to find somewhere that is not too far from you to find a nucleus of bees - this is the queen and her brood for the year - as it is best to collect them by car although some places will post them to you they would never guarantee for the health of the bees on arrival to your door.

LHine profile image

Mate, surely this is a job for a nutritionist! This is a real challenge and, although the advice above sounds helpful, I still think it's time to get a professional on the job. You should be able to get a referral from your GP (or even a second GP if the first won't).

But I'll add that when I had to cut out all alliums (onions, garlic, chives, shallots, etc.) I replaced them with nigella seed (AKA black onion seed) which is not part of the allium family at all, but tastes similar. Just chucked them in everything I would have put an onion in.

Best of luck. At least you know where the goalposts are now.

CarolRR profile image

Greetings Paul,

My heart goes out to you - dealing with a multitude of food allergies is not easy. In addition to being a double gene celiac, I also have many food allergies. I agree with LHine that a professional nutritionist is the best way to start - I went this route and was provided with menu options, substitutions, etc., which put me on the right track.

Also, I tried quinoa after receiving many recommendations for it but, like oats, I cannot tolerate it - I react as if it were gluten, even if it is added as an ingredient in a biscuit. Grains and I don't seem to get along very well. I just thought you should be aware.

I go through frequent stomach upsets and last week began drinking a fermented vegetable juice in the hope that it would aid in digestion by restoring my intestinal flora (a severe dairy allergy prevents me from eating yogourt) - I drink 2 oz. of the juice with each meal and the results have been amazing - my stomach is now 'quiet', which is foreign to me.

I wish you the best of luck - I hope that it doesn't take you too long to get this sorted out.


HelenJ14 profile image

Why not try the FODMAP diet. I suffer with similar problems as yourself, not easy is it? I even studied nutrition to try and help myself, the the FODMAP has been the greatest help. Good luck

paulb44 profile image

Thanks, I have been seeing a nutritionist for months now. :)

Hi Paul another food that might interest you is sheep's milk yoghurt, it contains probiotics and calcium. I really like it and find it really easy to digest. Again I buy mine in Sainsbury's and this is the one that I buy:

I think that having special dietary needs can make us more open minded towards foods from other cultures/countries and for me once I started looking at what I can eat there was no looking back. And once you start to feel better then you will have the same incentive.

FionaGFG profile image

Paul saw this and thought of you - there is a free 30 day trial so if it's any good feel free to blog about how it's helped your meal planning 100daysofrealfood.plantoeat...

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