My older son (13) was recently diagnosed with coeliac after having positive blood tests for coeliac. He had no symptoms but biopsy showed Marsh 3c. My younger son has many of the symptoms but bloodwork came back negative. Has anybody had -ve blood but gone on to have a +ve biopsy?
Coeliac despite negative blood tests? - Gluten Free Guerr...
Coeliac despite negative blood tests?
I had bloods come back negative and positive biopsy, they then done genetic testing which came back positive .
Angela x
The blood test has quite a high ate of coming back with false negatives, from what I understand. There's actually 2 tests they're mean to run, one tests for antibodies, and the other is to test for what I think is an antibody deficiency (which means your body can't produce the antibodies). Most GPs only run the antibody test though.
Will he be going on to have a biopsy regardless?
Just read that back, I accidently wrote false positives, and not false negatives, so I've corrected it.
I've had all symptoms, but negative blood test. Didn't have offer of second blood test Cooper27 mentions, or biopsy. Went gluten free and symptoms went/health recovered. On basis of my own experience I would say push for the second test and a biopsy as I would not put faith in that one blood test as your son will be left in limbo with symptoms and health issues, but no definitive diagnosis.