A couple of months of I mentioned going on holiday and getting fed up with my lactose intolerance. So stopped that diet and was OK with it. But that really can't be done realistic can it? I not had any symptoms different to the gluten intolerance. Do you think alitt lactose would be OK? For example once a week? I'm definitely because I'm considering that.
Lactose free : A couple of months of I... - Gluten Free Guerr...
Lactose free
I was told that when you are first diagnosed as coeliac, because your villi are damaged, you can react to something in dairy foods. Certainly I couldn't cope with cream. However when the villi heal because you are gluten free, then you can reintroduce dairy and I find I can manage a little cream again. Hope this helps 😀😀
Lactose intolerance isn't quite the same as dairy intolerance which again isn't the same as a sensitivity.
Dairy intolerance is all things dairy, lactose is a particular part of dairy hence dairy milk alternatives (almond, soy etc) and lactose free alternatives (can be milk based but with lactose removed). It's essential to work out which you have.
Then there's sensitivities;I am lactose sensitive, so cannot have milk or cream, but cheese and yoghurt in small amounts are fine; the pasturising / UHT / processing / maturing destroys the lactose or reduces it to amounts that do not irritate my stomach. I also found that if I reduced my wheat intake (2 years now) then I could actually tolerate cheeses and yogurt more so than I could when I didn't care what I ate.
You could try things and see; safest to try first would be natural yoghurt; a spoonful on it's own and see what effects you get. Then a few days later once recovered or if okay the next day, try a mild cheese like edam, tiny piece. Then milk, try just few sips on its own. This way you can quickly work out (within 30 mins) if it's either of those, without anything else causing problems. Stick to your normal diet that you know doesn't cause you any symptoms for the time. If you have any symptoms that really aren't nice or you don't feel right stop trying things and go see your doctor; as you may need further tests.
happy for you to message me.
hope that helps x
Intolerances can go away, the fact you were ok with a bit on holiday suggests your gut is in a good way now if you are ok with eating a little bit once in a while, then go for it! I still wouldn't want to eat it every day though!
I would've ever do such a silly thing either Cooper27