I have multiple problems with allergies, but can't seem to get my GP to engage, so I'm having to jump through hoops to rule everything else out first.
His latest offering, after blood test for bowel cancer and ovarian cancer, and a negative coeliac screen that I had to push for, was to sent me to a gastro.
In the four months I was waiting for the appointment, I figured out myself that removing wheat, rye and barley from my diet fixed my gastro symptoms. I expected that the consultant would be pleased to hear this and unthought we'd have a conversation about food allergy/intolerance. I was thinking in terms of non coeliac gluten sensitivity perhaps?
I had the appointment on Friday afternoon, I was with him less than ten minutes, he took no history, didn't listen to anything I said when I could get a word in edge ways and referred me for colonoscopy, although he said he expected it not to show anything and it's probably IBS. He didn't get it at all. In fact he kept asking me why I had excluded wheat from my diet when I had been told I am not coeliac!
There is no suggestion from symptoms or test results that there is anything systemic going on in my bowel, so I'm seriously considering not putting myself through an invasive procedure at this stage.
Very disappointed overall.