Hi I have been looking into this and the evidence of taking far above the Government guidelines of the vitamin D along with zinc and vit K2 ( to avoid calcium build up) seems to be encouraging. To the point where I would like to try it. Does anyone have any comments?
Vitamin D reduces eye pressure in glaucoma? - Glaucoma UK
Vitamin D reduces eye pressure in glaucoma?

I’ve been taking vitamin d for a few years only in the winter months and it did not help my glaucoma . I think that everyone is different and what works for one might not work for someone else. I say try anything to see if it works you aren’t going to lose anything and you might gain.
Yes me too and within the recommended dose. However this advice is talking multiple times what we are told by NHS is the recommended dose on some research which links issues with vit D receptors/low vit D and glaucoma. (Dr Berg youtube). My blood tests this week show low vit D..will give it a try and report back though results if any will take time. In the meantime I hope all is well following your surgery
Yes me too and within the recommended dose. However this advice is talking multiple times what we are told by NHS is the recommended dose on some research which links issues with vit D receptors/low vit D and glaucoma. (Dr Berg youtube). My blood tests this week show low vit D..will give it a try and report back though results if any will take time. In the meantime I hope all is well following your surgery
my eye pressure has not been reduced by taking D3 ( When I first started D3 at 5, 000, last two years 4, 000 ) and K2.
I have taken both for last few years during Oct to March with magnesium.
Interesting to know especially that amount.By the way The evidence I saw was 1000 per kg you weigh. I know!
Wow that is a lot ! I know some people like to follow the 1000 per 25 1bs of weight with adequate K2 and magnesium. A lot depends on how low your D3 is.
Also see here : pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/235....
Years ago, I remember being told vitamin d was potentially dangerous, if you took too much. Imagine my surprise when, during the pandemic, my husband was given free vitamin d tablets, by the department of health! Now, we’re told everyone in U.K. needs to take vitamin d in the winter. However, there must have been some evidence in the warning we used to be given, so until some incontrovertible evidence appears, as to its usefulness, I am erring on the side of caution & taking a conservative dose!
The below video caught my attention and made me think...
youtube.com/watch?v=yizGW89... don't know if the above works otherwise look on YouTube and
Search :
This Vitamin Reverses GLAUCOMA?!
Dr Eric Berg DC