my trab was in September ( day before my birthday actually). Spent the next month uneventfully until 4Weeks ago when the last two stitches were removed. Since then I have had a very blurred eye due to the pressure reducing to 5. My consultant ( private) has suddested that it will heal and the vision improve again. He also offered to replace a stitch. I am concerned as I know that sometimes people have to live with blurred vision and I have paid a lot to have this procedure done.
low eye pressure: my trab was in September ( day... - Glaucoma UK
low eye pressure

After my trab my eye pressures was low like yours, 4 and 5. Eyesight blurry. I didn't have stitches removed was told they would dissolve. Consultant said the pressure would gradually rise. Which it did, but slowly. It is about 8 or 9 now, 3 years after trab. It took about 9 months before my vision gradually cleared from being blurry.I hope that yours will improve the same. All the best.
I had my trab done in October which was private my surgeon put three extra stitches in to prevent pressure going to low . after 1 month my pressure was 10. From originally 30. Since the operation I have not had any vision problems with fuzzy vision. . I went for check up last week my 7th week my pressure was still 10 he took one stitch out that had come lose. The rest of my stitches are still in as he emphasised not wanting the pressure to go too low too quickly while the eye heals. I take dexamethazone eye drops 4 times a day until 3 months after my op. The first week after my op took antibiotics eye drop 4 times a day as well as the dexamthasone. I am due to go back in 7 weeks not sure if stitches will be removed then, but will be just after 3months of my trab, I am due another trab in my left eye but he suggested not to have it until this eye has fully healed. My pressure in left eye is 22 so he said I had time to wait for the op. Taking the stitch out did not hurt at all. My eyesight has deteriorated slightly in operated eye but I did realise I would need new glasses after both ops. Just hoping I will pass my dvla eye test next year. To date I have had a positive outcome of my trab which I am very grateful considering was scared before the op.
Hi, Glad to hear you are going on ok - your consultant sounds a good man who knows what he is talking about! Whereabouts in the U.K. are you, if you don’t mind me asking?
Hi I am in South East consultant is in Portsmouth . He has long term experience of glaucoma surgeries and written papers on the subject and teaches other surgeons . I am very grateful I was referred to him by another consultant who recommended him as being more specialist in this field than him.
Hi, Thanks for your very prompt reply! You sound similar to me! My Glaucoma consultant at the local NHS hospital in Rugby, Warwickshire referred me to a specialist in the Birmingham area as he (my local man) highly recommended Mr Masood to do my Paul Tube operation. The consultant/surgeon who I saw trained at Moorfields and has written numerous papers and made videos (on YouTube) which are very interesting. He works both privately and at the Birmingham Eye Centre (NHS). He also teaches other surgeons. It’s good to share our stories and experiences with other Glaucoma sufferers!
Its valuable to learn all these variable experiences (and I have my own, of an unfortunate trab outcome), but rather unnerving at the moment because I am due to have the second Lt eye trab revision in three weeks time! Looking forward (I think) to next week's webinar !