Apparently two yrs ago at my previous eye test with photos of the back of my eye, a note was made that there seemed to be something going on with the optic nerve. I wasn't informed. At my last eye test the new optician reported the same and told me of the previous photo. She referred me to the hospital clinic. The opthalmic consultant concluded that I have normal pressure in both eyes, a damaged optic nerve in my right eye and thinned RE cornea.
He gave me monopost and said to come back in 3 months. No ideas about how I got it (no family history) and I was in such shock that I didn't have many questions or even a memory of other health problems I might have.
I don't understand why reducing the pressure in BOTH eyes is necessary and how this would help at all given I have normal pressure in both eyes.
The notes say OCT: RE ST RNFL thinning borderline mGCL, LE RNFL +mGCL full
HFT: RE borderline GHT, LE normal
CCT: 550 T 600
I had problems with sudden high BP last yr but this doesn't seem to be continal. I have migraines, many many allergies, am short-sighted since I was 10, IBS, and have supremely dry eyes, blepharitis and have had mybomium cysts on my left lid.
Like everyone else I'm worried about losing my sight but I don't like the conveyor belt approach to diagnosis and treatment. The eye drops worry me.
Anyone else got the one eye affected? How did it get treated? Any side effects? I'm 57.
Thankyou for reading