Had bad tummy ache and thought just bowel movement been tsking nac betain hcl and thyme oil cap and oregano oil is it mucoid plaque any idras i know i have low stomach acid oh and borax something is on the move literally
Just passed this help: Had bad tummy... - Aspergillosis and...
Just passed this help

This question does not look to be related to fungi, though from the details given it is difficult to be sure. As this group is for fungal disease I will not comment further unless more detailed information is given that relates to a fungal infection.
Thanks anyway ive had candida for a long time and ive had sibo had a fecal transplat cravings for food cfs quiet alot of things brain fog chronic diarrohea and then diagnosed as slow transit so put on anti fungals and then to have to not eat especially carbs and sugar fruit thanks any way
That is definitely "Mucoid Plaque" and it is related to a fungal infection which in your case is obviously Candida. I was very ill myself with it. Whenever I was on antifungals/diet I would pass exactly what you have pictured above. Basically the anti fungals are dislodging the layers of plaque that build up on the colon wall. The diet is a mine field. Some practitioners say you can have fruit and others say you can't but we're all different so unfortunately you have to try and work out what is best for you. All fruit ending in "berries" are the lower sugar ones. Don't touch watermelons. Personally I'd try and stay away from it altogether for a while. Candizyme I found to be the best antifungal. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Good luck.

Hi shinty ty so much yes its all of what you said .ive had it a very long time .im on thxroxine now which has helped and havinh treatment with Eric Bakker and am doing alot better thanks .Ive had parasites sibo candida and loys of odd things but its so much better now.still having tests te cholesterol ect and weight is low but mental clarity great now ty lx