12 years cancer free: had lung cancer... - Lung Cancer Support

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12 years cancer free

bellaella profile image
12 Replies

had lung cancer. had lobectomy.. surgery for me was easy. recuperated quickly.. cisplatin chemo. four rounds. pulmonary embolism after 2nd round. in hospital for a week. held off on chemo for a few weeks. 2 more rounds of chemo followed. cried a lot, slept a lot..lived to see my granddaughter and now she will be ten in September. how lucky am I? hang in there if you have cancer, listen to your oncologist and god bless..

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bellaella profile image
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12 Replies
SusieJo1948 profile image

Bellaella you are a good and strOng. Woman you hung in there and now look at you. To?u should be very proud.I,'ve got a ways to go to catch up with you I,m4and a half years cancer free. That's what I tell everyone fight Don,t give up susiejo1948

Memaw0100 profile image

That is wonderful news. I found out my daughter was pregnant the day I got my diagnosis. It was good news. My brother had died 2 days before, and with my news, I was devastated. Her news gave me something to fight for. I had surgery and 4 rounds of chemo. My precious granddaughter is almost 3, giving me lots to fight for. God bless!

JeanE41 profile image

I love to hear success stories. You are the ultimate success. Congratulations on being cancer free for so many years. May you have many more.

Denzie profile image

You set a high bar! Congratulations on such a terrific out come. May I ask what stage your cancer was at diagnosis?

Steph60 profile image

You give me hope and inspiration! It has been 3 1/2 years since surgery and chemo, and I cherish each and everyday.

FtB_Peggy profile image

10 years! Oh my, that is just wonderful.

Denzie profile image

I met a man at a Lungevity Hope Summit who was staged 1b 25 years we met 4 years ago. I hope you exceed his )but he's not done yet).

That's such a tricky stage and I'm grateful you chose chemo. Cisplatin is not easy and to go through this long before they had the newer drugs to manage nausea, you rock. I've known too many who had the option of chemo who turned it down and regretted it. I'm grateful, too that you've come here to share your story. So many will read it and take hope.

bellaella profile image

I took a pill before each chemo. no nausea at all.. it was stil very difficult. the worst was sleeping all the time, crying and chemo brain.

KarenMcC profile image

Bellaella what stage was your lung cancer?

bellaella profile image

stage 1b

ballaella, I saw your reply under Getoutofme's post, so I just had to look you up.

Congratulations on being 12 years cancer free.

I tried chemo after my first lobectomy (upper left) 5 years ago, but was only able to do half the treatments because I would wind up with a new infection a week after (I had had 4 surgeries in 7 months time, and my body had just had enough).

I lost the upper right 8 weeks ago. This time I was stage 1a, "no further treatment needed". I am looking forward to many many years cancer free.

I just have to say God Bless you.

bellaella profile image

congratulations and blessings for future health

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