I am a stage 3 lung cancer survivor that was diagnosed in August of 2018, so I have now been in remission for 3 1/2 years. When I first found out that I had cancer it was very scary because I thought that I was going to die, so I began depressed and sad. I had a lot of prayer warriors, family members, Co-Workers, and Church family and friends that prayed with me and supported me during my journey. I had chemo, radiation, and immunotherapy. Every day I got closer and closer to God and began to quote scriptures to myself like I will live and not die, I am more then a conqueror through Jesus Christ who gives me strength, and no weapons that are formed against me shall prosper. This not only gave me encouragement to keep going, but within 6 months I was back at work after I finished Chemo and Radiation treatments. I did immunotherapy for 1 year. Today I don't take life for granted, but I enjoy my life and spend a lot of time with my grandbabies that God blessed me with to the fullest. I have started traveling more to see sights that I want to see. People are always asking me if I am afraid of traveling by myself, but I say no because if I overcame cancer which was really scary for me then I don't have to be afraid of anything or anyone.
Treatments and Surviving Cancer - Lung Cancer Support
Treatments and Surviving Cancer
Welcome to the Lung Cancer Board at HealthUnlocked! And thank you for sharing your experience, it will help others. Faith can be a powerful tool for healing. Thank you for sharing yours and for sharing hope.
Thanks for sharing Linnie - as you say, overcoming and dealing with such challenges can help us find resilience and fortitude we didn't know we had however we deal with it.... so glad you had strong community support from friends, family and church. It's 11 years since my diagnosis and I'm grateful for every day.... I resumed international travel 6 years after diagnosis as insurance costs were so expensive but then I rationalised that I'd have more regrets if I just stayed at home... so we've been able to see new countries and places (pre pandemic) and more recently visit places in UK that we'd never taken the time to explore.... as you say, life can be as full as you make it even after facing a diagnosis and dealing with treatment... keep it up!
I am traveling - alone- to Peru to hike 63 miles to see Machu Picchu! There is something so powerful in doing these things alone that only we understand.....xo