I was once taught an object lesson on perspective and it is a life lesson that seems to reapply over and over in my life.
Look around the room you are in and find everything you can that is the color red. As many as you can find and as detailed as you would like…..no really, do this now before you read on……….
Now, close your eyes and list everything you can that is yellow…..
In this object lesson we were learning to look for the positive.
If you are only looking for the red (negative) Then you will not notice the yellow (positive). It doesn’t mean the yellow is not there, it’s just simply not getting your focus.
I think we all can apply a little of this object lesson in our lives. I have wondered if the medical community could be focusing a bit too much on the red that maybe they are missing some yellow. I do not imply they are missing things in MRI’s and such, but maybe they have just been looking at the same picture with the same perspective so long; they can’t see the big picture anymore. It is like the image you clicked to get here. Did you see the old lady or the young lady? It is almost difficult to see one after your mind has caught the attention of the other.
Each of us have a different perspective based on our life experiences. It is up to us to choose how we will look at the world in which we live. Some days are definitely easier than others to look for all the colors of the rainbow around us. They are there though. No matter what illness plagues your life or the life of the one you love, it changes your perspective. You, however, are the only one that gets to decide how it will change you. No doctor, nurse, psychologist, friend, family, neighbor, passer-byer, ect. gets to decide your perspective and how you choose to see the world. If you think about it…..
that in and of its self is EMPOWERING. I am not saying it is easy. I would never ever suggest such a thing nor do I think it will take this disorder away. I do know that if you search for a little more yellow you will find hope and hope will change the world you live in.