Hi there,
I am going to be tonight to catheterise myself next week. I am incredibly nervous about this, do I need to be or will it be easy? Please tell me the truth, I am stronger when I know the facts so that I can prepare myself
Many thanks
Hi there,
I am going to be tonight to catheterise myself next week. I am incredibly nervous about this, do I need to be or will it be easy? Please tell me the truth, I am stronger when I know the facts so that I can prepare myself
Many thanks
Been doing it for 5 years, it is really no big deal, will take you a couple of weeks to get used to. You'll be fine!
My surgery practice makes a big issue out of self /cath and gives out a load of NO/NO's but in times of stress there are times when one has to do it , stuck @ an airport , trains loos are inoperative and MI traffic gridlocks makes it imperative so get some practice before you get caught-out . It is not difficult or painfull so have a bit of courage and "Be-prepared" because it becomes a doddle and saves you lots of agony . ( 13 year prostate surviver)
Thank you, it is such a scary world at times and the medics sometimes forget that we need things explaining....
Over the last 12 years I have had to learn from my own experiences because the technicians/nurses don,t pass on much usefull info about the case of living with a catheter . there were occasions when I was rolling around on floor or waiting 5 hours for a Medic to show-up but not any more ,I learn'nt to take care of myself and that solved many problems about get a more normal existence
i understand that for women its not too difficult in that its a short distance to the opening of the bladder. Going thru that opening can be awkward- my surgeon, when he does my bladder inspection, tells me to try and force urine, like i am going to pee, which seems to make the entry easier. I have a Dr friend in Miami who caths all the time- i can not imagine however, i was a bit anxious before the first bladder inspection and BCG infusion and now i have become used to it- i have found that the anxiety beforehand is much worse than the actual procedure