Now reading 9 months here and the other forum- especially the horror stories after ADT, it seems lacking as to a newbie like myself what seems missing are what I consider additional contributory factors related to before and after treatment or no treatment. There seems to be so many variables as to outcomes and the disease so individualized that conclusions are difficult to discern.
Factors including only your non genetic predisposition- things like what sort of food consumption growing up and diet from your Country, level of toxicity of environment where you grew up, your parents food affordability and income during your upbringing, past and current lifestyles, emotional stress management and level, exercise, what sort of diet followed pre PCa (Fast food, red meat, processed foods, fried foods, milk, etc), how overweight someone was at diagnosis, how much smoking or alcohol consumption they have, how much sugar or HFCS drinks or "Zero" drinks consumed before and after treatment, what other drugs they took for other unrelated ailments or chronic- the variables are endless as much as the outcomes of treatment.
The paradox of say these generalized studies where say Asian men previously on a fish (Methionine- and rice (sugar-glucose increase) diet later move to say the USA and eat mostly western diets of cheese fondue, chicken wings, steaks, burgers, fries, etc and ultra process foods with preservatives and added chemicals, etc and increases in PCa are noted in those men who changed their diets.
Where to me- rice turns to sugar quickly and is consumed in higher quantities than in the west- so leads me to the Glucose - Glutamine questions and their true drivers of disease- or am I completely missing something? ( not including the standard "Testosterone feeds tumors, so we need to kill it off (ADT) to stop it growing).
My take is that most all SOC focuses on those of us aged that Medicare is paying for expensive treatments, biopsies, drugs to an aging population where we are a steady source of income as a great customer base for profitability in the damaged US healthcare/sickcare system.