I’ve just started my journey fighting advanced PCa and am hoping for some advice from you guys who have lots of knowledge and experience.
After a PSA result of 13.0, I had an MRI of the pelvic area and was diagnosed with Stage 4 advanced PCa in May 2022. Gleason 8, LN involvement and a quite large (few inches) tumour on my right inferior pubic ramus. I had my first Prostap (= Lupron) injection two weeks ago and had my first consultation with the MO this week. He is planning to put me on Enzalutamide shortly and IMRT is a likely option further down the line when the ADT has shrunk the cancer. I am waiting for my appointment for a full body CT scan to see what the extent of the mets are.
Right now, I’m pain free and the only symptom I have is frequent toilet trips and slow/intermittant flow rate – especially bad overnight. Otherwise, my QOL is near normal. I’ve dramatically improved my diet (virtuality no alcohol, plant based, green tea, turmeric, D3, etc) and started regular weight training exercise.
My question is regarding whether/when to consider chemo? My initial thought was to let the ADT shrink the cancer, then IMRT to affected areas and think about chemo as an option after that. However, I’ve read that some recommend going in hard and early with chemo as it may give a better prognosis further down the line? Since my QOL is good at the moment, I’m reluctant to whack my body right now with chemo, but would it best in the long run to do so or better to keep as a later weapon?
I know everyone is unique but I would value your opinion on chemo treatment. Thanks