How much time i have: Hi everyone My... - Fight Prostate Ca...

Fight Prostate Cancer

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How much time i have

saeed_alexy profile image
21 Replies

Hi everyone

My father diagnostic with psa 50

With to many metastatic area

We start with ADT / chemo

And we father start very good diet

PSA become 0/001

And it was below 0/2 for about 2 year

We was happy but my father broke the diet and start to eat meet chees and ...

And today after 3 month when my father broke diet . . . PSA become 1.5 we tasted again afte 30 days and it was 2.5

Im full of stress and i have appointments with doctor in next Sunday

My question is whats is next treatment and how much time i have , to take him in existing travels and place he wana to see

And any advice ?

Sorry for my English writing 🌹

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saeed_alexy profile image
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21 Replies
Magnus1964 profile image

His doctor may prescribe another ADT drug if his PSA continues to rise.

saeed_alexy profile image
saeed_alexy in reply to Magnus1964

Doctor says we started mew treatment when psa above the 2 and psa today is 2.5....



NPfisherman profile image

Welcome to the forum,

His diet may have nothing to do with his recurrence. Has he been on Lupron for 2 years?? Sometimes, these meds just fail to control prostate cancer after a time. He may need to be on Zytiga or something else. It is hard to maintain a strict diet for years. Best of luck to you and your father.

Don Pescado

saeed_alexy profile image
saeed_alexy in reply to NPfisherman

Thanks alotYes he was on lupron for 2 years and 6 round of chemo... The doctor was happy and said we are above the average but PSA star rasing so quickly just when my father broke the diet

Yes i think we should start zaitiga 🤦

But we are on medicine sanctions in IRAN and we have to be on list for receive special drugs

NPfisherman profile image
NPfisherman in reply to saeed_alexy

Wow... sorry to hear about medicine sanctions. Good luck....

Don Pescado

Cooolone profile image
Cooolone in reply to saeed_alexy

The diet and recurrence is most likely coincidence and not related as there have been numerous studies to shown that diet alone does not impact Prostate Cancer, especially once you already have it. It can "help" especially with side effects.

Sorry to hear about the medical controls you must navigate for care. That's unfortunate, but yes, you're right, starting Zytiga can help. There are many drugs that may be effective and for a long time as well.

Best Regards

saeed_alexy profile image
saeed_alexy in reply to Cooolone


NPfisherman profile image

$469 a month for a protocol that could be placebo?? No thanks !!!

saeed_alexy profile image

Did you test it ?

NPfisherman profile image

Lots of companies say money back guarantee and if located off shore, then good luck getting your money back...

NPfisherman profile image

If they were in the US and are no longer there, then chances are that this is a scam. I would not buy this product and discourage others from doing so... Show hard data from verifiable randomized trials as proof of your claims. $469 a month is a lot to spend for cancer patients on an unproven product.

Cooolone profile image

They have a $ back guarantee!?!?


Do they have the ability to give back "TIME"?

Or how about wasted life, on a snake oil sales pitch with little scientific proof to substantiate their claims. No information provided, no mechanism, no specific paradigm. I've seen better snake oil websites to be honest that at least can prescribe what they're doing. I can lower PSA and not effect the PCa at all... There are ways!

So, it's all extremely Ridiculous...

The GUARANTEE... Oh yeah, gee, because they guarantee it, let's all jump in the pool! An unfortunate and irresponsible post on a cancer forum IMO!

And that page you linked does not explain in any single instance exactly what their protocol involves, what you're doing or ingesting, what their cocktail contains and in what amounts, etc., etc. Additionally it only provides lots of buzz words and little substance! Garbage...

Good Luck with that...

Cooolone profile image


Cooolone profile image

What the list of ingredients they prescribe? What amounts? What source, how is it validated, what lab testing is used on ingredients? What tracking mechanism has been employed to verify results other than anecdotal attestation, etc... Please provide some substance to validate claims and provide the ability to understand their protocol.

Cooolone profile image

Empty email... Anecdotal attestation means nothing. Sorry

leach234 profile image

You live in Thailand but can’t spell the country properly? LOL.

leach234 profile image

Interested in what QaAnon conspiracy theories you believe in Frank. Was the Presidential election stolen? LOL.

Haniff profile image

Hi saeed_alexy

How much time he one would be able to give you the answer. We do not control our end of life. So let your father enjoy the present moment as much as possible :)

Diet?...If diet helps all our cancer then we do not need oncologists but Nutrionists instead and please remember, cancer sees no diet as in even pure vegetarians, meatarians(haha even if there is such a word I'm just teasing here), even those on solely fish diets... i hope you understand what I'm trying to say. The main gist is Diet does not give us cancer or makes it worst for those who have cancer. Eat everything in moderation, do not over indulge and eat happily without fear. Let him eat his meat and cheese. I hear Iranian food is great especially the Biryani...😉 I would love to visit Iran, God willing and Covid allows lol.

If you have sanctions on medicines try to appeal if its possible, yah. He would need his medicines to control his cancer and to help him enjoy his quality of life.

Please brothers and sisters and caregivers, do not get me wrong in my respond to saeed. If your belief is strong in diet, exercise and such please do not stop. Carry on as long as you enjoy your pursuits and passion in your journey. I only have best wishes and hope for you as always.

As for myself I do everything in moderation but its hard. Sometimes I overeat, get lazy and fatigued with my exercise haha but I bounce back and try as much to enjoy my present moment. I try to stay positive and watch the clouds drift by and the trees and branches swaying gently with the breeze, enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea and dance with my wife and grandchildren, that's the best. Also both my wife and I are retired after 38 years of work...phew! That helps tremendously.

Take care saeed and don't worry about your English, what's important is you get your message across to others.


saeed_alexy profile image
saeed_alexy in reply to Haniff

🌹 if you have plan to visit IRAN and my city Isfahan... I will happy to help 🌹...

Thanks for your ideas

Haniff profile image
Haniff in reply to saeed_alexy

Thank you

Hope all is good with you and Family

Insya Allah if I do get to Iran, now I have someone to meet

Take good care and stay safe 😷 ❤️


Sunlight12 profile image

Hi saeed_alexy,

I second what Haniff said - no one can tell you how much time you have. Everyone's cancer is unique. There are many men here who have surpassed the odds. And they have all done it different ways. For treatments, keep researching as much as you can and ask questions here - all these guys are great about sharing their experiences and knowledge. Don't be afraid to work on multiple paths at once - while you're trying to get medicines for your Dad, you can also be trying to help him get back on his diet and exercise plan, etc. There are varying opinions here about complementary medicines. Collect as much info as you can and help your Dad make the decision that seems best to him. Lastly, if he wants to travel and he feels well enough, don't wait. If you can go with him now, do so. You won't regret spending the time and doing things he's dreamed of.

Sending best wishes and good energy to your Dad and to you too -being a caregiver and support for your parent is a tough path to walk. Take good care of yourself and know that by caring and trying, you are doing a wonderful thing for your Dad.

In solidarity,


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