Communication is so hard isn't it? After a lot of telephoning around and talking to nearly everyone I could - except my urologist who is doing biopsies today at a different hospital. It seems that the hospital should have done Liver function tests so that has put me back a few days because the GP had to organise them so had to wait for a phlebotomist appointment and then wait a week for the results - they came in yesterday and were fine btw. My urologist according to his cancer nurse, would not prescribe casodex tablets for my cancer whether it was T2 or T3 though in his letter things are more ambiguous as he says he cannot rule out T3 and it says localised advanced prostate cancer would have casodex prescribed - well T3 in the Prostate Cancer UK leaflet is localised advanced prostate cancer. Most others would prescribe for T3 and some - according to my GP prescribe it regardless of what kind of prostate cancer you have. I should have had the injection last Monday but of course had to wait a week for the blood test results to come back and couldn't get that done until last Wednesday so they came back yesterday and are OK Then the surgery do not have the last letter which was waiting for me last night so had to get that to them and get it copied. Long telephone conversations with Prostate Cancer UK nurse and my GP and my GP has suggested that I go ahead with the prostap injection today and start taking casodex 2 days later - the reasoning behind this is that if I had a reaction to the Prostap then if I started taking the casodex and had the injection on the same day it would be hard to know which one had caused it and if I cancelled the injection today I would have to wait another week before I could get the injection again. The whole thing is a bu***rs muddle. I have absolutely no confidence in the system or anyone in it. The Prostate Cancer UK nurse said that once Radiotherapy started things would run smoother because you would be seeing the same people nearly every day of the week and they get to know you and so on but really I am not so sure. One thing I have learned today is that I have an appointment to see the oncologist on 27 July - another thing I am not happy about. How can you make an informed decision when you have not seen the main person involved in the treatment? By the time I see her I will have been on hormone therapy for 3 weeks or more so cannot really change my mind then. Still don't really know what to do but decided to go ahead with this plan from the GP as I don't want to waste any more time. As I said, absolutely no confidence in NHS Wales Prostate Cancer Service. Even though I understand that when I start Radiotherapy things will be different as I will always be going to the one hospital this has made me even more sure that I need to go to Prague to get Proton Beam Therapy. I have an initial appointment with them next Wednesday. I only hope that I am considered a good candidate for this treatment as the thought of going through more of this rigmarole has started to make me feel I don't want any treatment at all - even though I know I do.
Have a great day everyone, From a very pi**ed off Des.