Is Fibromyalgia considered disability? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Is Fibromyalgia considered disability?

Hello Sampaguita,
Please can I provide you with a link to a previous blog which I think will help answer your question
Thank you for your reply Emma.I've been having this chronic pain for years. Then last year I have to keep on going to my GP about the pain until she finally refered me for more tests in November 2012.The pain was getting worse as days go by...I went back to see the consultant on January 22,,and that's when I was diagnosed this Fibromyalgia.
Thanks again,
No, not on its own. It depends how badly you are affected, and that's how your level of disability would be assessed.
For instance, I have had fibro for many years, but I can walk a mile on a good day, despite pain, so in that way I am not considered disabled.
I am having great difficulty with painful hands at the moment, tho' that's arthritis, not fibro, and this would possibly be viewed as a disability issue.
You have to look at how much your fibro affects you, and make your judgement on that and apply accordingly. Generalised pain and tiredness doesn't count, tho' most of us think it should, but if you really can't manage the activities of daily life, then you could be considered to be disabled.
It's all very complicated, but don't let that stop you from claiming what benefits you can!
Best Wishes, Moffy x
On the Gov Uk web site. Know your rights
It says that fibro can be considered a disability
If you have been in pain for longer than a year.
With work problems, they are consider me as disabled,
And do every thing to help me, but I expect it's more to
Cover there backs, than care, that's the N.H.S
the site is interesting and worth a read

thank you for your support..
thank you for your support..
Short answer is no , i scored 0 on both my medicals. Even though working full time is almost impossible because of my symptoms, I am regarded as a scrounger living on benefits. How can we expect the government to understand our plight when most GP's don't.
Before i got this curse i had a family , business and self respect. Lost it all 4 years ago and at first it was a relief that i didn't have to fight my condition anymore. But now it feel's like everything is closing in on me.
I think we've all had that feeling, Fibroman, but gradually we start to rebuild a better life - different but still good.
Most of us develop coping strategies, and become more knowledgeable about our condition, and that's why this site is so helpful. We can swap ideas, help out with tips we've discovered, and have a bit of a laugh sometimes.
I hope you will feel a bit more optimistic before too long - it must be very hard for you if you have lost both family and business, but don't lose your self-respect, because you are not to blame!
Moffy x
The section on 'Your Rights' on the page below may help explain matters further:
i think its noy what you have that counts but how it affects your life xx