I'm having to sell my home as it is unsustainable - (and in arrears), is there anyway I can apply to Housing Associations as one that I'd approached said I had to be 55 and then there is a 3 year waiting list. When I sell up I will lose any benefits and my money will drain away. Any suggestions - thank you.
Housing Association Applications, any... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Housing Association Applications, any advice please?
Speak to your local authority housing department or CAB. They should be able to advise you what to do. It is such a complex area.
will you have no money left after the sale of your house ? i was wondering if a static home on a park would be an option ?
I would go to CAB and see what help they can give
Take care xx j
I had to sell my flat as I was unable to keep up with my payments. I went to my local council and they just put me on the housing list which wasn't much help. I went to CAB and they told me that you can have £16,000 in savings and still claim housing benefit. So I now live in a private rented flat and claim housing benefit which helps pay the rent and I still have some savings.
You could try you local council and see what they can offer and also go to CAB and get there advise.
Thank you for your responses - think I will take a trip and go to the council offices and see what they say.
I dont want to worry you any more, but I was in this position years ago, I went to the local council who advised me once id sold my house to then contact them as I would then be homeless. I followed there advice sold the house, went to the council THEN they told me the advice was wrong and I had MADE MYSELF HOMELESS. As they had given me the wrong information they did put me in a homeless accommodation ( I had 3 young boys at the time) but it gets worse. The person who was buying my house pulled out, and the council then said I was not homeless, and I had to move back into my house , and wait until I was owing so much that the building society repossessed it ,Once it was repossessed I was truly homeless and the council agreed to rehouse me ,but I did not get a penny from the sale., and I was then blacklisted and could not get any credit for 3 years..As I say this was a few years ago and the rules may have changed. Id say go speak to the council first. This was in Scotland, the rules may be different in other parts of the country. My thoughts are with you Good luck
What a horrendous situation you went through!
Think I'll take a visit to the council.
Hope you are ok now. x

Yes was horrendous at the time nearly had a nervous breakdown. I had seperated from my husband and he refused to pay any maintenance and would not pay any money towards the mortgage, I was working at the time but didnt earn enough to pay the mortgage on my own,and I didnt have enough savings to take him to court for maintenance. The thing is the council would not help me with the mortgage,but when I was in the homeless accommodation they paid £1000 a month for bed & breakfast for me and my 3 sons,BUT my mortgage was only £250 a month so if they had helped pay it,it would have covered it for 4 months, and maybe I would have managed to get back on my feet. Where was the logic in that. My sons were aged 10/14 and 17,and at first the council were not going to let me take my 17 yr old with me as they said they only gave accommodation to kids up to 16, I had to fight to get him to come with us. As I said that was years ago my sons are grown up now and have families of there own and the rules could be totally different,but best to check with council and cab. good luck
just talk to cab do not trust to local council ,they may not to tel you the truth.good luck
It seems that if you dont own your own home and live in rented, you can claim help, but people who own their own own cant get any help. something doesn't seem right there!
Hope you manage to get something sorted xx