We are all doomed.....: Apparently the... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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We are all doomed.....

Extremelygrumpy profile image
42 Replies

Apparently the world is supposed to end on 21 st December this year,,,, according to one interpretation of the Mayan calendar.... I had forgotten all about it in the haze of fibro fog, new meds and the general Christmas bustle. Was reminded today twice by sky tv who are running a week long set of programmes one of disaster films one of supposedly factual theories, to prepare us???? To depress us??? that's all very well but if the world does end I will have missed out on opening the last few doors on my advent calendar and the presents will go to waste..... In vain have I spent the evening with my OH saying we should celebrate Christmas tomorrow to have some time to enjoy ourselves, but no Mr always right refuses to budge on the idea, my real problem if the world does end suddenly we will all be dead and I won,t be able to say.... I told you so.... Hope anyone hasn't got anything planned for the new year :)

VG x

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Extremelygrumpy profile image
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42 Replies
Ozzygirl64 profile image

Okay I thought the world had ended and I had missed it somehow. There was something in the papers saying it was not going to end and I was relieved as I have already bought hubbys birthday present for that day, he would have to born on the day the world was supposed to end, typical ruddy man. I have never really grasped the concept of the world ending, it evolved yes, it was just fortunate that we found a planet we could actually live on, so I suppose that has to be a good thing. I have planned things for the New Year like stopping smoking, if the world ends I won't have to struggle with that now will I. I have visions of the world spliiting in two down the middle top to bottom and the weight at the top pulling the two segment downwards so we have the rounded bits at the bottom and the top is then flat. Now in theory they should fall side by side. We could get contractors in to start filling the molten core with concrete and start to build it up. As you can see I have given this a lot of thought. Once we are all safe from what lies within we can build on the flat bit thus creating more space for people to live on and in turn we could run the risk of a population boom too. If they fall side by side then we could build bridges betwen the two halves and cross over that way. No, the problems lies as follows:- If the world splits while we are in darkness then we would be in permanent darkness, perfect excuse for sleeping whenever we like. If it splits while we are in daylight.....then I am afraid we will all have to buy blackout blinds!!!!! xxxxx

shaz66 profile image
shaz66 in reply to Ozzygirl64

the world isnt gonna end the mayan calendar ends on 21st dec 2012 but its just the end of the world age and transition into the next world age i read about it on the internet sure if it does we will not have to contend with esa or dla i think the world ending would be easier lol

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to shaz66

Lol, things sure would be whole lot easier hun xxxxx

ArctoLindy profile image
ArctoLindy in reply to Ozzygirl64

I sometimes use my bedroom as a photographic darkroom so I've already got the blinds :) xxx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to ArctoLindy

I am looking inot getting blinds....just in case lol xxxxx

Extremelygrumpy profile image

That's the spirit :) but typical man to have a birthday on that day. I just have one request if the world does indeed split can I be on the other side from my in laws.....I do have a good reason honestly. :)

VG x

klm7777 profile image
klm7777 in reply to Extremelygrumpy

So funny :)

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to Extremelygrumpy

Yes you can be on the opposite side to them. I want to be on the same side as my inlaws as they are perfect in every way xxxxxx

Angeldancea812 profile image
Angeldancea812 in reply to Ozzygirl64

You are very lucky but probably outvoted. My MiL has hated me from the time she first laid eyes on me.

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to Angeldancea812

With me it was my parents that hated me lol, but my MIl & FIL are so perfect and so funny xxxxx

hamble99b profile image

can I eat my christmas cadbury miniatures now then?


Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to hamble99b

May as well, just in case, cannot have things going to waste now can we xxxxx

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Most certainly, and chocolate is good for fibro ;)

VG x

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to Extremelygrumpy

great! and I suppose the maltesers too!


hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to hamble99b

got so excited mispelt me name again!


I have lived through so many supposed end of the Worlds, I think I will make it through this one too! How dare it end before Christmas, how tactless and inappropriate with all my Christmas spending and all the arrangements I've made too! ;) :P

Good point Sandra, can I eat my entire chocolate Advent calendar tonight then, hardly worth saving it all! ;)

My philosophy is that I could get run over by a bus with the stress of the World ending, I'd sooner live and enjoy it! :)

(((hug))) xxx


Extremelygrumpy profile image

I think we should just all eat chocolate...;) oh my what if the world ends and the survivors are just me and my In laws, quick send me all your chocolate to console me :P


hamble99b profile image

I've tried but it wouldn't go in the cd slot on the pc, so I've ate [eaten?] it!


klm7777 profile image

Hmmm is it a terrible thing that I don't think it would be all that bad if it did end? I mean if it ended so would all the bad stuff in it and we wouldn't miss it because we wouldn't be here to miss it either- we would all be pain free!!! Hooray!!!!

Maladjusted profile image

Oh well if it does end, at least I won't have to pay the December credit card bill :)

tettridge profile image
tettridge in reply to Maladjusted

Thats the idea, max all the credit cards you can get before it ends and enjoy yourself.

See if you can get into that place in France that will survive and don't worry about the maxed cards because the card companies will be gone.

One problem, what if it does not end, try explaining that to the credit card companies, problems if it ends and bigger problems if it doesn't, I think the idea of eating all the chocolate is good, just get loads of chocolate and see out the end of the world with a happy (chocolatey) face and if it doesn't end there is Christmas to look forward to with more chocolate - Win Win (apart from the winter flares).

Kindest regards


ladymoth profile image

Off to stay in the penthouse Suite at Claridges ... booked in until 22nd ... shan't have to pay the bill! Hehehehe!

P.S. Oh yeah, I'll be eating chocolate as well!

I wonder if company's will do an end of world sale?

Extremelygrumpy profile image

rushes off on mobility scooter, basket stuffed full of chocolate to see,, hmmm what's the best outfit for the end of the world, I think something casual but smart, so if it doesn't happen I don't look too dressed up and if it does I look presentable for the occasion

VG x

pondminstrel profile image

hi all i thought on the same lines,but i was thinking about it last night and couldnt sleep,so went on the net to read about it,....wish i hadnt! lol.......but it did make me think that people may take their own lives out of fear! so i pray that they wont...........xxx

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to pondminstrel

I realise that and I'm not making light of peoples' fears and worries. I echo your feelings. hope you seep better tonight.

This is just a chance for me to be silly and have a giggle.



pondminstrel profile image
pondminstrel in reply to hamble99b

hi i know we have a laugh on here,i didnt mean it in a critisising way,just gote me thinking...my family and i have done all the jokes etc..........i triedbto end my life 6 years ago so perhaps i am a bit sensitive to how people can get lonely when they have no where to turn..thank GOD i turned my life round..sorry if i sounded a grump xxxxx

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to pondminstrel

I knew you weren't, it's a valid point. It's one we discussed on another site.

I'm glad your life turned around. caring, aware, not grumpy.


pinkblossom profile image

I'm due To get paid on the 21st,I wonder if I'll still get it,bummer its not before then I could have spent it on loads of chocolate and not have to worry about feeling gulity or fat!..xx

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to pinkblossom

chocolate can make you fat?


Ozzygirl64 profile image

I know one village in France is already preparing. I am sure they said they were not allowing any tourists in lol xxxxx

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to Ozzygirl64

shrugs in a french way,

have they got patrols and barriers?

I wasn't gonna go, but I'm getting on my scooter now to storm the barriers!

[hums "can you hear the people sing?" from les mis]


Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to hamble99b

Lol, sorry I was in poetry corner adding a few bits there. Not sure I would have to go and check it out xxxxx

Extremelygrumpy profile image
Extremelygrumpy in reply to hamble99b

Put swords sticking out from your scooter wheels like the ancient roman chariots in Ben Hur , that should get you through the crowds

VG x

pinkblossom profile image

My sister flies from Australia tomorrow where she has been visiting her daughter and is to meet her partner who has a chalet in the French alps,she said it was until the new year,I can't believe my own dear sister has not shared this with the rest of the family and secretly wants us all to die! Well I ain't gonna Skype her this week!..xx

Extremelygrumpy profile image

Pink you could be really evil here and switch on Skype and then put a webcam facing the tv with a disaster movie on and shake the webcam shouting oh no another earthquake....

Oh I am so evil

VG x

hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to Extremelygrumpy

you two are naughty... but I like you!


hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to hamble99b

I wouldn't have to shake the webcam, I just hold it and it shakes dramatically!

Extremelygrumpy profile image
Extremelygrumpy in reply to hamble99b

Sandra,,,,, I remember that catch phrase.... Are you a man in drag ? you can tell me no need to be embarrassed I won't tell a soul, hides megaphone behind back


hamble99b profile image
hamble99b in reply to Extremelygrumpy

no, just very old, it was Dick Emery.

I saw Alan Carr on the royal variety show dressed as a woman and he looked better than me when I'm dolled up!


Extremelygrumpy profile image

Don't I know it....had a friend who was a transvestite and he looked drop dead gorgeous as a woman I felt quite frumpy beside him and he was a handsome man too....

VG x

Akasha72 profile image

Well just to calm the end of the world hysteria ... :P (joking!)

I watched a programme with the Prof Brian Cox about 2 years ago and he looked into the Mayan and their calender and the fact it ends on 21/12/12 and he said we're all gonna be fine ...

The world won't end for another 200 million years

A...nd breathe out ... although on second thoughts, considering all the chocolate that has been consumed recently perhaps not, the world may end with a million buttons all pinging off all at once lmao

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