What medication do people take and wh... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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What medication do people take and what can you recommend. Single mum of 3 only 26 and struggling with pain and fatigue :(

moaningmurtal profile image
7 Replies
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moaningmurtal profile image
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7 Replies
Extremelygrumpy profile image

I am not on many meds unlike some on here ( wish i was like them) cos I can't tolerate them and it makes me very cross with my body that the gps try to help ,, only for my body to ignore my pain and say not tolerating that. Suffer.....I do get sleep at night by taking 75 mg dosulepin antidepressant mixed with 0.5 mg clonezapam .. Muscle relaxant so am luckier than a lot of people in the fact I do sleep, but wake up stiff as a board and have to be helped out of bed otherwise it's a painful struggle by myself.... During the day I can only take paracetamol which is like taking smarties.. I won't tell you what I have tried would take up so much room but on the Bright side it may send you to sleep with sheer boredom... Hopefully someone will come along and give you better advice on day meds

VG x

Akasha72 profile image

all I can take is co-codamol. My GP has tried me on all sorts but, like you said, I can't tolerate them either. I have a lactose allergy aswell so a lot of meds are cancelled out with that anyway.

I also so take Prozac. I found the normal fluoxatine didn't help but the branded Prozac was a little better - I have no idea why.

Sometimes I think we have to accept we are just human beings and our bodies wern't meant to be filled with nasty chemicals.

I too envy those who can tolerate the meds that make their pain easier to deal with and sleeping problems a thing of the past.

Can you take Ibuprofen? Have you tried Ibuprofen and paracetamol together? I know it's allowed and there's not a problem with overdose etc as the doctor advised me to try that before I went on the codiene

I take co-dyrdramol, when I have been out of tablets I have also done the paracetamol ibuprofen, for over the counter stuff I think that is an ok pain relief but it depends how bad your pain is I guess. I have tried a lot of other tablets that didn't work for me for one reason or another, but co-dydramol works for me. Doesn't kill pain totally but takes the edge off


moaningmurtal profile image

aw i take venlafaxine antidepressant plus 75mg amitriptaline then 70mg a day oxycontin plus paracetamol and celebrex which is anti inflammatory and lanzoprazol coz i take celebrex. Im addicted to codeine as iv been on several different kinds in last 6yrs since age 19 that nothing helps and im taking it just for my cravings for it now.

grumpyoldwoman profile image

Hi moaningmurtal

I have been on so many over the years, some with terrible side effects - i found Mirtazapine dreadful the next day esp with the fibro fog. The Prozac made me a raving looney, tried tramadol, dyhydrocodiene , codiene, you name it ive tried it lol

I am now taking Gabapentin, naproxin, co dydromol, escitalopram, moved to that from citalopram ,have to alternate with Ibuprofen (for tmj) and have been on nearly every depressant going. Recently started the gaba so waiting to see what this does, also use wheatbag, rubbing gels, spray & ten although the tens don't seem to do anything. Hot baths temporarily help & I find having the electric blanket on low does help

I think its trial and error to find a regime that still allows some quality of life -i feel like ive had a hangover for near on 14 years now due to fibrofog - wish they would find something to relieve that as its gotten worse over the years.

Luv n hugs xxx

moaningmurtal profile image
moaningmurtal in reply to grumpyoldwoman

lol i know exactly what you mean with the hangover and i dont ever drink alcohol as i find it makes my fibro work or stops pain meds working, not that they do anyway! Iv been on several anti depressants but my psychiatrist whom i see due to my terrible upbringing put me on venlafaxine back last year as she says it works well for fibro. I cant say that it does apart from making me pile on 4 stone and im like a zombie so most days im housebound. My ex still comes and does the school run for my 6 and 8yr olds and takes my 9mth old out til 11-12. I cant get up til around half10 as any earlier i find my fibro is million times worse. She also has 1hrly nite feeds which are killing me off ontop of not sleeping anyway. It take me a good 2hrs 2 sit on sofa havin breakfast, pills, 2 cups of tea and getting dressed before i can leave the house on a good day. I eat chocolate and drink around 15mugs of strong tea to get me threw the day. Housework gets done around 9pm wen i get a good hr energy burst then do some throughout the day. My partner of 8yrs left me 3mths ago so now im struggling even more although he is still carer and does school run and helps with sum jobs.

grumpyoldwoman profile image

Hi moaningmurtal

Omg I thought I had it bad lol. Sorry you have so much to contend with as well as your illness, funny thing , a lot of people whom I spoken to with fibro have a problem with alcohol - I used to drink vodka, scotch but cant touch it now, makes me feel very ill. Once a month I will have one or two glasses of Lambrini (cheap date eh lol ) and that's all I can manage.

It must be really hard to bring up children with fibro - my heart goes out to you.

When i was first diagnosed (ova 15 yrs ) I had 2 miscarriages, not sure if it was down to the fibro ( no reason given for them ) but I decided not to try again - too heartbreaking and now thinking back although this may sound terrible - it may have been a blessing, as my health is so bad now ( have other illnesses s,) Im thinking how could I look after a child when I cant look after myself, there's no way I would want my child to be my carer - I grew up in similar circumstances.

I haven't had a relationship for years as my last bf found it really hard to understand & I think its hard for someone who doesn't suffer with it to understand it, its really hard to convey how much pain & fatigue you are isn't it? people can sympathize but they have no comprehension of the amount of pain we sufferers are in .

I think the fact that its also an invisible illness doesn't help either. If I meet people and tell them Im ill they look at you, and you know exactly what they are thinking lol (make up is a wonderful thing tho lol ).

Ive lost all contact with my friends & after a while they stop inviting you anywhere because they know you probably wont turn up so a lot of us end up stuck on our own too.

Ive just moved to a totally diff area too to a ground-floor flat, so I don't know many people here but starting to get to know the neighbors, one who thinks she may have fibro too lol but not diagnosed.

I am very similar to you - takes hours before the brain realizes the eyes are open lol, its bad enough with the fog & the insomnia - It takes me ages to get going and now Ive given up coffee I have to have a least 2 cups tea before I make any sense - otherwise all you will get is grunts and noises from me lol and again Ive gained an obscene amount of weight too, my new doctor has tried 3 different anti depressant since May as Im not responding to any but the only thing I seem to have gained is weight lol.

This site is brilliant - my neighbor gave me the url a few days ago and its so nice to be able to talk to other people in the same situation - I don't understand why Fibro isn't more recognized, you only have to look at how many members there are here to know its a common illness now. My doctor recently told me that Fibro/M.E/Cfs remind him of epilepsy - years ago they didn't understand it and people who where having seizures were thought of as being possessed rather than ill, when you think of it like that how long will it be before this is taken seriously. I know some doctors don't even think it exists, I ve met a couple of them lol, its all in my head - I would love then to live in my world for a week to see if Im imagining it lol. Going on this site I think Im pretty spot on thinking that its real all right .lol

I hope you get your meds sorted out for you - you will prob try loads before finding goods one that allow you too have some type of normal life, it must be hard trying to find the time & energy to spend quality time with your family. Am thinking of you

Luv n hugs

The grumpy one lol

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