I've had fibromyalgia for over 7 years and over time it's gradually got worse however over the last few weeks the pain has been getting really bad.. It's in my arms legs and shoulders. I do find stress makes it worse. My husnabd died back in June from cancer and I was his main carer.. This challenged my fibro no end but mainly caused the flare up of the fatigue side of things. over the past week my fibro has flared up really bad. It's making me that tired I'm actually sleeping for the first time in months.. It's making me feel so down though and I'm not usually a depressive kind..
I'm also a carer for my daughter and have been for over 21 years so I've not really been able to work as such but now i have to support my home and I'm now looking for work. Last year just before my husband was diagnosed with secondary cancers I qualified as a counsellor and have been trying so hard to get set up in private practice.. I've been putting a lot of effort into this over the last few months as well as trying to find work within an organisation. I also forgot to mention I run the local support group here in Somerset called Fibromyalgia Somerset and have a Facebook page too.
Thing is I'm really worried because over the past week what with my fibro at an all time worse I don't think I'm going to be able to work full time and even part time going to be a challenge .. I've read on this site about the ever increasing people having to give up work and it's a worry to us all.. We are being pushed into having no choice but to claim benefits.. and Into poverty.
I just feel really sad and let down... I've been a double carer for over 21 years and now my caring role is less intentensive and I am able to work I'm worried that I just can't .. I'm worried how I'm going to support my family .. Feel very angry too that when you try and claim benefits they look at you and think well she looks well enough.. What have we got to do to get our voices heard ?
Thank you for listening to my little rant. :((((((