what would cause me to sweat around m... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
what would cause me to sweat around my face and hair,to the point where my hair is drenched with minimal exercise

I have the same problem I think it's part of fibro
Although tramadol also I you are on this

Was on tramadol but didnt like how I felt with it, so am only on codeine, the codeine doesnt help much, so I only take it if my pain stops me moving.
Have you checked the side affects of the meds you are on? There are all sorts of weird and wonder side affects to some drugs. Also, I hope you don't think I am being rude but how old are you? It could be a sign of the menopause.
Piggie hugs xxxx

thanks,way passed the menopause,only started with the aches and pains of fibro,thought it was due to doc.stopping hrt,but she put me on low dose hrt and didn`t make any difference
We think it's fibro lots of people on here mentioned it when I first joined.. Was so glad I wasn't the only one walking round with my face the colour of a tomato and sweat pouring from my neck and forehead , but from nowhere else after doing very little.
VG x
I am on hrt , but not tramadol.. Went through menopause at 35 hence the hrt. I guess it's just weird annoying fibro
I think it is just a Fibro thing. If I do more than 5 minutes of housework (eg cleaning a window) I am like that bright red, litterally dripping with sweat, shaking and need a rest for a good hour with a nice icy cold pepsi max to help me out!
Not much fun is it - but a great excuse for being a lady of leisure!
Julie xx
I agree I think it's fibro, it's not nice is it, I find its worse
Before a flare but there's no reason for it is there it just
It's to do with fibro, check out the nhs website on this. I sweat all over to the point I am soaking wet, the body can't control it's temperature correctly. xx
Hi there
Excessive sweating was my first symptom of fibro 10 years ago and neck back pain, it was Luke that for years it was only this year I was diagnosed fibro and my gp looked back through my records and we pin pointed when we think it started and were sure sweating was the beginning of my nervous system goin wrong, I even had a sympathectomy op( they cut the nerves that cause sweatin) it didn't work didn't no why at time but no now.
Take care Michelle
Boiling hot one minute, freezing cold the next - nothing unusual in my days with Fibro! My internal thermostat has been dodgy since I first started showing symptoms of Fibromyalgia years ago. Not an uncommon problem this one, very frustrating though!
I'm afraid I sweat like Gailbt, soaking wet most of the day but I'm at ......"that age"......going thru the change you know what I mean x x
I get this too I even had to walk around a shop with a bag of frozen food on my head! Just to finish my shopping that was kinda the worse one xxx
Hi all. I do most of my sweating at night. I wake up in a puddle and my face , neck and chest is dripping. I keep a flannel beside my bed for a quick mop up,lol. I sweat a fair bit when Im doing housework as well... no excuse to get out of it tho !! Its SO annoying isnt it? Its not smelly armpit type sweat tho, (sorry!!) just light and runny. I feel hot around my face and neck, which is horrible for me coz I hate feeling hot, it turns me into a grizzly bear !! Grrrrr
i sweat like a pig justlike the others say if i do a bit of housework im soaking my hair back etc. i did get checked for menopause but i am not menopausal . doc said tey to change my diet ive tried but i still sweat as soon as i start doing anything and this can happen when its cold out too. i hate it but it seems like the others have said its part of fibro and the loss of the temp control . i have no idea what to do it about
Hi yea sweating part of the fibro i was sent for tests as doctor dint know what was causing it ,i also need fan on at night even in winter least its better than the pain an in winter we not so cold lol
Definitely part of the fibro. I used to think it was a side-effect of citalopram, but I stopped that a couple of months ago, and it's still a major problem. It drives you potty, of course, but I think it's something that you just have to work your way around! xx
Its definitely the fibro. I read on it a few weeks ago. Because fibro causes sensory overloads and confusion (all from the part of the brain that is going bonkers) it just makes us sweat, excessively, even if we are cold
My dermatologist prescribed glycopyrrolate for my excessive heat sweating. It has changed my life. Now you will still sweat. But it's a little more controlled.