Hello my fellow sufferers,
I hope today is a good one for you. Finally after years of searching for answer and asking to seeing a Rheumatologist, I have been referred.
I have had regular visits to the Pain Clinic for the past 6 years, it was about 2 years ago that the Occupational therapist suggest that I have FMS. She can not diagnose but gave be a leaflet to read all about it. I showed this to my GP, hoping that this would be followed up. NO. I see my GP ever month and have done for the past 7 years. All I have had in the past is "you have to stop looking for answer and just get on with your life. There are no answers." Then I found this site, I downloaded the information on FMS and showed him a few weeks ago. Stating that it was from the NHS web site. This seem to change thing. Straight away he sent me for blood test to elimination all the nasties and to check my under-active thyroid was under control. I had my results yesterday, they were all normal as I expected. Now he has sent a request for me to see a Rheumatologist. Perhaps because I worded it in a way that it came across as his idea.
I am so grateful for all the comments people are making on this site, I feel better in myself, knowing I am not alone, all these symptoms are not in my head. they are real.
Can anyone suggest what I take to the hospital to help the Doctor know all my symptoms?
Look forward to your comments.