Survival Kit for Fibro Sufferers ...... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Survival Kit for Fibro Sufferers .....................please add to it

Ginsing profile image
33 Replies

The obvious a medcine cupboard to hold our hoards of pills and potions!

Hot packs

Cold packs


Extra pillows for under knees etc

A Lovely Bed (I wish we were all comfortable to stay and rest in)

Walking sticks

Mobility scooters

Blanket to cuddle under when watching the TV

House \Elf to do the cleaning

A Chef companion who would resist the question Are you Okay? or How are you or are you alright? 50 times a day.

Space to talk to our fellow sufferers on the web

A really nice site like ours!

Friends who actually understand what you are going through

Chocolate because most of us cannot drink with all our meds

A indominaitable sense of humor. Laugh and the world laughs with you!

Any other suggestions


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Ginsing profile image
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33 Replies
Dixiesdaughter profile image

Light cotton clothing without buttons or fastenings -for those days when ur all fingers and thumbs and it hurts to do put on clothing.

Rubber crockery which wont break when you drop it for the millionth time

Water & scald proof gloves to wear on days the muscles in your hands are on strike and you continuously drop crockey and spill scalding hot cups of tea on yourself

A personal inflatable safety mat which is triggered everytime you trip slip or fall

An inflatable partner who is programmed to understand your condition & your moods and who can be inflated or deflated on command.

A knowlegable and understanding gp (with friendly non nosey receptionist) who does home visits.

Fruity flavoured meds with no horrid side effects

Fashionable trendy supports and aids designed by top name designers which co-ordinate and accessorise with our outfits.

Family,community & world fibro awareness training

Esa Dla benefits awarded on diagnoses without ritual humiluation fight stress and need for appeals..

A sense of humour :-)

Dixie xx

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to Dixiesdaughter

Love your suggestions Dixie x gins

ArctoLindy profile image
ArctoLindy in reply to Ginsing

Can I add that the clothing also has to be easy care non-ironing? :) xx

serenarian profile image

Pain meds that don't stop you having a drink now and again!!

For myself I would give myself permission to howl at the moon occasionally and lose the dammed guilt of not working.

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to serenarian

A howl to the moon - I think the noise might be horrendous if we are all out on same night LOL x gins

Decaff tea for me . I live on the stuff . I'd drink ordinary tea if I could but my bladder hates it !!


fairycazzie profile image

laptop laughter and giggles with all of you hahaha

Botox to give a permanent smile because we have to make the effort lol

ohhh good one gins liking it very much so..

I am actually on the sofa feetys up watching Loose women (never see as always working! )

ohh and if jeremy kyle is a repeat my daughter is in the audience! we watched this morning funny but i never got a real pic. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to fairycazzie

Oh otox makes me shudder we would all look so strange makes me think of the jOKER from Gotham city hehe x gins

theprisoner profile image

Soft seamless nightdresses or PJs.

A shower stool as I can't stand that long (all of 6 minutes when I need to wash my hair). Bagpuss Beany as an alternative to hot packs - just so that I can cuddle it as well as put it on my shoulder.

For me, my £10 TENS machine - I know it doesn't work for everybody but it does for me - even if it's only to sooth me to sleep with a gentle pulse on the lowest setting.

Arnica cream for my bruises due to being unsteady and foggy.

My dear and supportive friends who care for me even when I'm a bit - well - wrong.

All of you, whatever you say, whoever you are for when you agree with me and when you don't.

Tips like seamless bras as I may soon have to wear one 7/7 just to look normal.

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to theprisoner

morning we are all here for you hun :) I do not fancy seem less bras afraid have to use under wires or I look very droopy x gins

Ginsing profile image

How right you are a Doctor who listens understands and could actually do something to help!

x gins

Butcher79 profile image

I would have to add my kids as they are so helpful when I'm having a bad day. They hold me up, help me off the sofa and hang on while I get over the dizziness, my son cooks the tea and makes me cups of tea. They are brilliant and I couldn't do without them especially this last year after I split from my husband.

Nadine x

hamble99b profile image

also add

my little budgies fluffed-out and asleep on me, or saying nice things to me,

smiling back at a happy baby,



a good dvd or prog on telly.

someone to make me smile.

good topic gins, thanks, sandra.

Midori profile image

I'll take Si of the Hairy Bikers for cooking and trasport!

Cheers, Midori

Have to add -

Hubby, my children, Mum, two dogs



My Kindle

White chocolate

Ginger Wine

My comfy support cushion

Adam Levine from Maroon 5 just to look at! (Eye Candy is good for your health! :P )

Jelly Babies


Comfy Pj's

Pain meds

A fan to keep me cool, I get so hot sometimes

My 'V' Pillow

Lots of easy to read magazines

Teabags (can't survive without my cuppas)


in reply to

Just had to add - Homemade Butternut Squash, Carrot and Ginger Soup!

Ginsing profile image

Oh marmite how lovely it is - has any body seen the new gold bottles of marmite? And your right Liberty none of this is possible with out the good reliable laptop :) x gins

in reply to Ginsing

We had the Jubilee and Olympic Marmite jars in our local supermarkets with the Union Jack flags on the labels. Haven't seen the gold version! The jars never last long in my house, the largest jar goes in less than a week which isn't cheap at over £3 a jar! I love Marmite! :P

FionaP profile image
FionaP in reply to

£2 in Lidl :) Go stock up

in reply to FionaP

Wow! I will seriously get hubby to buy in bulk tomorrow lol! £2 that's a great saving too, thank you and bless you Fiona! :) :D

Marmite toast soldiers for supper! ;)

lynnh profile image

Brilliant all, gave me a few chuckles especially the house elf and the inflatable partner lol

Extremelygrumpy profile image

An understanding gp....

charlottepoppins26 profile image

is it sad but my pain medication is the box set of gilmore girls?? obv a dvd player and tv to go with it. whenever i'm in pain i like to concentrate on something else and as gilmore girls is my fav series it makes sense! x

Fantastic and I have to add a sence of humour I seem to have left mine somewhere in the past (mostly), I'm sorry to say, I think its because this fibro takes presidence, I say we should rout him out of our minds anyway impossible I know I feel like chanting "Get fibro out, get fibro out" (of our bodies i mean)

Anwyway what else would I like to have that has'nt been mentioned (brilliant by the way all of you!), to deal easier with my fibro! hmmm let me think

Hard to add to all your sugestions honestly, I just have to agree with them whole heartedly, apart from wishing I had a magic mat you know like alladin had so I could float around the house and the shops, would'nt that be brill xxx gentle hugs fellow fibro soldiers xxxxx

FionaP profile image

Thank you Gins. And all who've posted. I can only add Marmite and tomato sauce crisps. Admittedly I am addicted, but they are so good :) xx

Ooooh add Prawn Cocktail crisps to my list, absolutely love them! Have to be Walkers though! :P Oh and Marmite crackers! ;)

Love the Aladdin magic carpet idea! Whoooooooooooooooooooosh! ;)

FionaP profile image
FionaP in reply to

Marmite crackers? Which shop does them? Ooh this blog gets better all the time :)

I have to get Marmite crisps from Sainsbury's then go to Asda for Tomato sauce, Should be giving them up lol x

Ginsing profile image

Ooh the magic carpet that really gives some food for thought I'll start another! x gins

Amanda profile image

my laptop,v pillow and my latest wonderful purchase,a wheat pillow that can be microwaved or frozen depending on you preference.I think I cooked mine the other day though as it was steaming and smelly and a funny shape lol ! well it didn't come with instructions .That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it !

fibromum0f6Uk profile image

lol I love the list I too cooked my wheat pillow shame as it had begun to smell like popcorn which I love !

I would add the following :

Ice chips to crunch on when I feel hot and bothered in the night and with my IBS I dare not have what I think of as real munchies before laying down

My favourite teatree oil products , one I use to soothe my restless legs , the other I use as a breathable bandage on the sores I get from wearing my fentanyl patch and on my feet which despite being out of my mobility scooter for almost a year still do not like to walk in shoes !

some sort of pop up banner that appeared like a thought bubble above my head to warn others I just need some quiet time or that I am simply overloaded - now that could be useful !

julieevh profile image

I couldn't survive without :-

* My girls and grandaughter and dogs to give me a cuddle.

* I love my american fridge freezer for chilled water and ice always available.

* My TV

* My laptop

* My BF Dave - he is wonderful!

What I'd like :-

* I would like as a pressie boxed sets of all the Star Trek TV episodes (there are still some DS9 and Enterprise episodes I've not seen) and the films. Also every John Mills film and TV appearance.

* Automatic front row tickets to the Osmonds (you don't say), David Cassidy, David Essex, Bryan Adams, Bay City Rollers and Leo Sayer. No more getting up at silly o'clock and chasing down tickets that got released early, or champing at the bit for the ticket day.

* I'd love a nice warm swimming pool and jaccuzi please.

* A Noonoo (from the Telebubies) to do all the cleaning.

* Lorraine Pascal to come and fill my freezer with scrummy food every week.

* My own chauffer driven car, a nice Bentley would be fine. Chauffer must be personable and easy on the eye.

* More Mr Bloom on cebeebies. When he says "ullo tiddlers" I get a big grin on my face and come over all un-necessary!

And most of all :-

* The DWP to be supportive and understanding of the trials faced by the Chronically ill and disabled.

Julie xx

maxii123 profile image

i personaly would like a very fit, lean, tanned hunk of a man to wait on me hand and foot..........that should take my mind off fibre for a nano second x

Ginsing profile image
Ginsing in reply to maxii123

What a brilliant idea! :)

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