just got up had a terrible night shoulder is soo excrutiating, had to get up at 4-30am and put some voltrol on shoulder/arm and do top up of morphine was just to much to bare again. also go the dreaded pain in the right hip/groin jeeez we do go through the mill don't we i reckon we was given this illness aswell as other health problems as him up aboves thinks we are strong enough to cope better then somebody else (i aint religious ha ha), i am going to just have a nice calm day and do things in my pace , which my hubby will make sure as he is a diamond x i am a very lucky lady i know xxx enjoy your day and take care xx
good morning fibro world: just got up... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
good morning fibro world

Goid Morning Teresa,
It is very cruel and very debilitating especiAly when rudely awakend in night with such things.
Had it very rough past wk myself had to have a driver cover my customers as could not get out of bed!!
So although i wrk i find it extremely difficult to even the Dr told me not to drive and claim but because i am classed as an Employer i cannot!
Life can be tough at times some more than others.
I wish you some relief soon and able to cope a little better.
thank you and you do the same , good we have got this site to chat and note our well being xx take care xx you must be absolutley tired out bless you xx teresa xx
Good evening Teresa (where has the day gone!) - I hope you manage to have a more comfortable night tonight. The nights feel so long don't they when you can't sleep because of the pain. Take care.
good evening libbyde and thank you lets hope so and i hope your night is not so bad too , i dread going to bed because i know the outcome but you know you have to go because your shattered xx night night guys xx
Hi i am also now getting shoulder pain can hardly lift my arms up what next going to c a Cranial osteopath tomorrow so heres hoping something works with her may take bit time at £34 a go hope its not too long lol x