i have given up: its 320am and im still... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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i have given up

jancrossstitch profile image
13 Replies

its 320am and im still awake went to see gp today and was told it was to bad about my op on sat but oh well i ask if i could have some diff meds for fibro as am in a lot of pain she said no as the stress was causing the pain she maid me feel like i did not need med so have put them in bin so will just sit here and cry and i will not go back to see a doc or go to rdand e rant over x

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jancrossstitch profile image
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13 Replies
fibrosam profile image

it doesnt help... but im in the same position...

oh bless you how awful can you not go to see a different doctor at your surgery i saw a doctor who was awful changed and stopped all my meds and tried to say i had celiac disease an that was the problem i was furious i jus sat there numb i thought just nod your head and let her get on with it i left the room drove home called the surgery made an appointment with my normal gp for the very next day went and saw her explained all that had happened she was totaly bemused but could not say much as it was her work colleagure but she promptly put me back on all my meds xxxxxx

so see if you can get toi see someone else you cant be treated like that bless ya and welcome to the 3 am club lol love diddle xxx

Ginsing profile image

Take a deep breadth and now you have slept on it (or not) I hope you feel lighter of heart this morning make an appointment with another Doc before you go write everything down what happened how you feel and where you hurt (It is not just in your mind) take the list with you . Slowly explain yourself how you feel and hopefully another doc will be more sympathetic and sort your meds out for you good luck hun x gins


Keep fighting never ever give up. annexx

Hi Jan

I am so sorry for you are feeling but I am in the exact same position. I want to change surgeries but I am waiting an appeal date for ESA & I'm worried another Doc will not know my history. Although my Doc wont give me meds she is backing me up re ESA? However after watching the programes last night I'm not holding out much hope & think maybe I should just move now as everyone seems to be recieving zero points.

I hope you calm down & begin to think rationally & maybe a change of surgery is what you need too. I feel like I am beating my head of a brick wall but I do need help. Its either I fight on or end up with a nervous breakdown.

Dont give up, we have to fight for our rights & to be heard.

Luv & Hugs


Dnt give up change docs.keep fighting dnt let them win.you need some pain relief.

Dixiesdaughter profile image

Plz dont give up remember gps are human and as in all walks of life you will get the good and the bad. Thats where personal choice comes into play - gps are providing a service and like all other services if ur not happy vote with ur feet and walk away; find urself a gp who is more knowledgeable about & in tune with fibro and its effects and treatment. Dont let your gp's attitude colour your judgement there is no better expert than a patient and you know best!! Pls dont sit back and accept shoddy treatment ur worth so much more!!!!

Take care x

Brambleberry profile image

I had an anesthetist who tried to belittle me this way. I insisted on a change of hospitals and the next doctor wonder what the last one had been on about! I have seen good and bad..I am thankful to be a health care professional and to understand about pain management, and what my rights are. This goes a long way but it is still tough. There is a very renouned pain management expert Margo McAffery who said 'pain is what the patient says is is, existing when he/she says it does'...next time you tell them that...it will soon knock them into shape, futher more look at the patients charter and your doctors codes of practice and NICE guidleines and be alarmed at your entitlements.

jancrossstitch profile image

dear all thank you all for you lovely comments it helps so much when you know that other people understand and can help i have to see gp again on thurs so am going armed with lots of info have been crying allday but husband and son have been great hope i will get some sleep tonight but prob see you about 3am thank you again jan

Jan we all sympathise, we are all in the same boat and have been in your situation at some time or other with Fibro. I am so pleased you are going to see your GP on Thursday and you're taking lots of info with you. That's fighting spirt! :)

I am sure your hubby and son understand your frustrations. Make sure you get a couple of nights sleep and rest as best you can before your appointment.

Take care and please let us know how you get on on Thursday! :)

teresa-67 profile image

please don't give up sweetheart you are certainly not alone .. ring your sugery back and make another appointment with a diferent gp who knows you a bit better , we all have days like you are feeling but we live on to fight this dreadful illness , GOOD LUCK with your next appointment xx also don't stop taking your meds you will be in more pain xx

suwie profile image

It is tread but my doctors gave me tramodol & now I have to have them I get a lot of pain cause my body has got used to them I also have lost weight which has helped a little but I just soldiers on & I work part time to but I'm in constant pain & starting to get worse at night cause I can't sleep but you should try go see a different doctor to try other meds good luck x suwie..

suwie profile image

It is tread but my doctors gave me tramodol & now I have to have them I get a lot of pain cause my body has got used to them I also have lost weight which has helped a little but I just soldiers on & I work part time to but I'm in constant pain & starting to get worse at night cause I can't sleep but you should try go see a different doctor to try other meds good luck x suwie..

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