hi i know its nothing to do with fm but would like to ask quick question, has anyone ever been weened off citalopram to be put on another ad, if so did yous suffer from any side effects, would love to hear your answers x
citalopram: hi i know its nothing to do... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I am sure you will get a reply from a member who can speak personally about your question, but here's some info on Citalopram and its potential side effects -
Although Citalopram has proven to be very successful in treating Fibromyalgia, it is important to know that there are several serious side effects of Citalopram for Fibromyalgia, so it is the patient's responsibility to determine whether or not the possible side effects are worth the risk. Anybody thinking of using this medication for Fibromyalgia, or for any other reason, ought to discuss this with their Doctor.
A few of the common, less severe side effects of Citalopram include: drowsiness, light headedness, trouble concentrating; anxiety, restless, or unable to sit still; sleep problems such as insomnia; weight changes; urinating more than usual; nausea, gas, upset stomach, loss of appetite; dry or watery mouth, sleepiness, or ringing in your ears; or diminished sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm.
Do not take Citalopram for Fibromyalgia or for that matter any other disorder with out knowing the more dangerous side effects, they consist of: seizures or convulsions; problems with equilibrium or coordination; tremors, shivering, muscle stiffness or twitching; or agitation, confusion, perspiration, fast heartbeat. If you are taking this medication for Fibromyalgia and are experiencing any of these side effects, it is crucial to call your Doctor right away.
Hi Sparkydoll
I've suffered severe depression for 19 yrs comming. I was once on Citalopram for the fepression, it did'nt work for me & was eventually weaned off itm I had no problems coming off at al.
I was then referred to a Physciatrist as I was in a really bad place at the time. I was prescribed Venlafaxine 75mg which gradually over a course of time went up to 375mg.
My GP decided to try to get me down to a lower dose a few years later, she got me down to 225mg but the withdrawals I had where horrendous. I was almost hospitalised & am now on 300mg which seems to agree with me. I know this is not Fibro related & if you are not depressed please for your own sake refuse Venlafaxine. It is almost impossible fir oeople to get off. My Gp now wants to try me with this again as the whole attitude of the practice seems to be fight illness with exercise. I dont know if its a save money scheme or what they are at but I am refusing to try thevwithdrawal again.
I think the most popular anti depressant for Fibro is Amytriptaline for pain & to help promote sleep.
I only wish I had been told that anti depressants can be addictive. At the time my GP told me the new ones of today unlike valuim years ago are not addictive. Maybe in years to come there will be a programe on the addictive problems with Venlafaxine.
Also I was only diagnosed with FM in Feb of this year &'GP keeps blaming it on depression which I dont believe it is but who am I? They just wont listen to me.
Good luck & ask a lot of questions before agreeing to take an ad.
Luv & hugs
Jackie xx
I was on Citolapram last year. One of the first things I noticed was contra indication with Tramadol, and a mention of 'if you are diabetic'! Both positive's for me. I am a person who rarely remembers dreaming, but I had some horrific nightmare's while taking them. Then I started to notice, after having breakfast at 7.30 my blood sugar was dropping dangerously low by 10.30! I also realized this was worse on the days I took Tramadol, (I do try to avoid them because they make me drowsy). My stupid GP's answer to the problem instead of stopping Citolapram was to have a 2nd breakfast! Really good for losing weight don't you think? In the end I told my GP I wanted to come off them, I did degree a bit, but probably not as gradual as I should have, but I felt so much better when I got off them. I do still get the blood sugar dropping, not as bad as I did, but that's another matter, I see the diabetic nurse tomorrow, so hopefully I'll get something sorted out then.
In conclusion, Citolapram is not a tablet I will willingly take again.
Im being weened of it at the min consultant says its not the right med for my fm ive just been told by him tht ive fm my gp had me on citalapram for depression but it was fm ive had for the last 4yrs so now on my last wek of citalapram and not one prob being weened of it im now on duloxitine cant spell he said it takes 3 weeks to work so hes hoping x
I have been on citolapram for over two years prescribed by the consultant ,I stoped taking inbetween with no problems, My Doctor has now prescribed on top Amitriptyline, I sleep and sleep husband has to wake me up .
Had citalopram some years ago, i always read info. leaflet that comes with medication because i sometimes feel that these things are prescribed in such a casual manner with very little said about potential side effects, contra-indications, or even why they would be potentially helpful for you. I gave them 6 weeks trial (my decision) but remember the awful nightmares I had at that time. Was advised to give them a bit longer on the grounds that could not be sure they were causing them & hadn't given them long enough to see their benefits, which at the time I thought was nonsense! Anyway sleep was returned to the usual pattern of no bad dreams but hard to find on a regular basis I had known before, so i felt vindicated. I had no problems coming off them, but then perhaps 6 weeks was not long enough to cause any problems. I suspect the psychiatrist found me a bit of a nightmare!
hi everyone thank you so much for commenting on this, just to let ypus know i myself am on fluoxetine myself for my dp, its my boyfriend who is on citalopram, the reason i am so worried about them is he has a very bad temper, sorry if i go on a bit but would just like to explain things a bit, i have been with him for 13 years and he was always quick tempered but never hurt me, then about 7 year ago he was getting worse and it was silly things that were setting him off, like going shopping and things like that and eventually he started hitting me, we took him to his doctors and they kept telling us it was depression, we eventually changed his doctors to mine and it turned out it was adhd he had, and was on pills for about 4 years but his body got used to them so they decided to try citalopram which he has been on since and they have kept him calm and worked really well up untill about 5 months ago. then i could see a change in him again but nothing major, but on top of that he was having problems with ejaculating, so back to doctors and now they want to ween him off them to put him on a new 1he has been cut down to 30 for a week then 20 for a week then 10 for 3 days then on to new 1,but since he has been cutting down hes had terrible headaches, stomache cramps and hes flying off the handle for the silliest thing, only good thing is hes not being violent, although it is always in the back of my mind. so tyvm for answering my question xx
hi..i was weened off citrolapram...no side effects at all , x
Hi, I'm replying as I couldn't help but feel concerned about your boyfriend displaying violent behaviour. You mentioned a few times it had been directed toward yourself & I wanted to say you must keep yourself safe, I hope you are?