By a doctor: Hello Has any one read... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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By a doctor

23 Replies


Has any one read the daily mail today

It's about fibro written by a doctor who

Has the condition

It's interesting I think you can read it on line


23 Replies

getactive profile image

This makes very interesting reading-it would be good if someone could take on a much bigger research project and see the results of that thanks for sharing this Sue xx

Very hard diet to follow, but I will give it a go

And cut down on some of the food, so fed up with

The effects of the medication that does not realy


So here goes no more chocolate Oh dear.

It sounds really good, but she's a GP on a GP's income . I can't afford to be that choosy about the food I buy as my shopping money has to feed three of us . I simply can't afford one menu for me and one for Rich and Paul and I also wouldn't ask them to cut out everything they enjoy.

I'd like a miracle cure as much as the next person , but I've tried managing Fibro with diet and it didn't work.

If it does work for someone though I'm pleased for them .



FionaP profile image

Easy to read and understand. Thanks for posting.

I intend to discuss and maybe trial. Goes against all of my healthy eating as I eat so much fruit.

Will be good to see posts from anyone who has done diet trials x

I don't know I have thought about it since posting this , I can understand

That it would help with IBS which if I eat a lot of the things she had banned

It gives me IBS as I think it does with most of us and I do feel better off

With out bread.

But firstly she states it's mostly middle age women, Ok that might be

True but it's also younger women

Also why would we have pain with changes of weather, or after a car

Accident or stress

The diet may work and help a little but myself thinking about it

I don't think it would stop,all the pain but being open minded any

Thing is worth a try in moderation, in case any one does not know

A lot of this substance also causes kidney stones.

scrumie profile image

Hi That made interesting reading. I do eat a lot of fruit and pots & carrots.Thinking about this when i go to son & daughter-in-law dont eat pots,carrots or as much fruit. They eat pasta and rice not many pots and some fruit. I always feel better there and manage to play with our 18mth grandaughter and take her for good walks. realy dont know if its because of change of diet or not. Will talk to hubby when he comes in from work. Thanks for info Vivien and link Lally soft hugs Marg xx

Sammicat15 profile image

well that's me sunk then - I eat fruit salad for late brekkie and bean & raw veg salad with either meat or fish for early supper! Bean avoiding bread, wheat, rice, pasta mostly for weeks now in an attempt to lose weight. Not really happening. Have still felt lousy too.

Win some, lose some, it seems - although never quite the way we want it lol :-/

linksy profile image

thanks for posting anything is worth a try x

Lioslaith profile image

Am I reading this right? She diagnosed herself? No confirmation from some-one like a Rheumy?

Also her diet has a few problems for me:

I can't afford to follow it, and the foods she says to avoid are some of the ones I can eat without annoying my IBS and other stomach problems. While what she suggests irritate them for me. Well, that's me sunk too.

Lima6MCT profile image
Lima6MCT in reply to Lioslaith

My thoughts exactly - she is self diagnosed and didn't even consult her own GP before treating herself!

She doesn't mention a referral to a rheumy or anyone else so who carried out the trigger point test? I'm pretty sure that it's impossible to carry out all the pressure tests on yourself.

Personally. I can't think of any food that affects my FM to the good or any food that makes it worse.

I know what you mean there is a lot you can eat, but what would

I do without a cup of tea

I also have IBSMand as strange as it may seem if I stop

My cymbala and tramadol it comes back with a vengeance

It's just dreaming realy I think how wonderful to be normal

What ever that is

LindseyMid profile image

Food intolerances should be ruled out by anyone with Fibro or IBS. The best way to do this is an exclusion diet for at least a month, then re-introduce possible trigger foods one by one.

What we (FibroAction) say about diets is that there is no one diet that is shown to help Fibro and that - unless there is a food intolerance or allergy - a balanced, healthy and generally low-GI diet is the best bet. The "unless there is a food intolerance or allergy" bit is very important though.

Restricted diets need not be expensive! Reading that article, she seems to be saying that she has found many supposedly healthy foods cause a reaction in her. Foods like white pasta are cheaper than organic veg or gluten free foods.

khwai profile image

i think she has just set our cause back years..... my family forwarded me the article, which must have made them smile . because to them fibro doesnt exist, i just needed to look at my diet and excerise... and i am sure i am not the only one who has had family say this... i think someone should put some answer in the press to sort this out.

I agree with you Kwai but you know when you first read some thing

It's like I will try any thing if it makes it go away, then you think about


She may be a doctor but did she realy have fibro,

Makes you think that may be she just wrote the piece for the Money

I'm a bit thick some times and it takes me a while to think things

Through, but it's rubbish she never had fibro to begin with

electricjaws profile image

hi viv, just got out yesterdays mail and read it (i had too much fog to read paper yesterday) and i am going to try what the g.p says for a couple of months to see if it helps me at all,anyone else seriously going to try it?, maybe we could then compare notes so to speak

electricjaws profile image

read all the comments now and not sure wether to do it,but if i only do it for two or three months and i feel no different then i haven't lost anything,BUT if it helps then i have won something ,it's better than poisoning your body with pills x

in reply to electricjaws

Lol I know I am the same thought I would try it and

The read the comments, but then we all fed up with

Tablets. So think maybe it would work

It's the same diet As you would do if you had kidney stones

There are lots of things on google lists of foods.

It's like lots of things you read, give it a try or not, I don't

Know it makes sense but then you think about it and think

It's rubbish, so I don't know or what

theshadow profile image

I too was considering having a go at this diet, I think we clutch at straws for some pain relief, but the more you read thru the article, the more flawed it becomes. I'm not sure she even had fibro.....diagnosed herself? hmm!

I am a vegetarian so not having beans, nuts & soya doesn't leave much in the way of protein. Not sure if quorn ok, maybe as mushrooms are. Too much cheese isn't good for you, & what about eggs? Got to cut out most fruit & veg & salad also.

I followed a link the other day, & found a Dr on video saying we should avoid 7 things to "cure" fibro. Aspartame (artificial sweeteners) sucrose (in fruit) & sugar. No caffeine ( cola tea coffee chocolate) All dairy products & all soya products as well & wheat & gluten!

Put these two diets together & what is left to exist on,........ water & air!!!

I'm completely confused, & this time it's not due to fibrofog!

Now where did I put my chocolate bar? that makes me feel better!

scrumie profile image
scrumie in reply to theshadow

Hi Just read your blogg oh it did make me laugh thanks. I thought when first read it cor that sounds good. But on second read like others a Dr diagnoseing her self i dont think so plus all the foods i like i'd have to stop eating. I dont supose you could spare a bit of choc i realy fancy some now to late all shops closed. soft hugs Marg xx

in reply to theshadow

Mind you aspartame I don't do as it really does give me pain Or what eat the chocolate


electricjaws profile image

was genuinely going to start my three month trial today on this regime,but just a minute ago i went to the kitchen as i could hear something calling me and it was coming from the buscuit tin, out of curiosity i opened the tin and before i knew it a jaffa cake had accosted me and gone straight for the throat....!!! i had to eat it in self defence(i added that bit in case the jaffa cakes family try to sue me!!!)

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