I have been trying to pinpoint when my fibro started can any one pinpoint when it started was it traume physival or emotional.??? Juts kind of thought if you had an idea could you reverse it. I know i am clutching at straws just my mind going wild lil
what triggered fibro ????: I have been... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
what triggered fibro ????

I think that for me I had it for a long time it started in my groin and hips
in my shoulders and back and very tired but as I worked
On a stroke unit as a nurse and it was very heavy and hard Work I
Put it down to that, changed my place of work but the pain never
Went away I thought that maybe I needed new hips.
Anyway about two years ago I had a car accident not a bad one
In fact I was not even hurt, then my Mum died and sister had cancer
One day I took my dog for a walk and the pains in my legs were
Allful I thought I would not get home, and the rest is history, I think
That the stress of the last two years just kicked the fibro into action
Realy and it's just got worse and worse.
I think looking back at the symptoms that my Mum had she had fibro
But the doctors,put it down to old age aches and pains.
So I think for me it's was always going to happen it was just
A case of when, as to when it started I don't know,,maybe
There was a certain amount of stress looking after people with
Strokes and that triggered it.
Oh my god vivien that is the same as me I worked asa nurse on ortho trauma changed jobs cause of pain but did not know what it was then I had a car crash nothing major then my dad ded. Sometimes I think it was aLl the stress of work all I know is the last two uears its gott worse x
How strange life is makes you wonder if it was the job yours even
Heavier than mine is and you don't think you get stressed but you do
Can't do the job as no time. To care for people that is stressful in
It's self
I am not there now I work in a prison unit don't Like the patients
Much but only 11 patients and only one hands on
To late now as you said its got worse still at least I can shout at them
No not really I would be sacked if I did.
It's nice to meet you webby
Hi webby,
I was recently diagnosed with fibro, I think mine was triggered off with a flair up of shingles (although there was no rash present) but the area and symptoms where the same, it was that severe I ended up in A + E with the pain which was a shock to me and my family a few months later I noticed fatigue, joint pain and concentration problems. Some days I thought I was going crazy, I knew it wasn't right to be feeling that ill. I felt I should be in my 80's or 90's
after about a year of trips backwards and forwards to my gp who though it could be anything from gallbladder probs to IBS.
I finally went to see a private Rheumatologist a couple of weeks ago who diagnosed fibro and put me on meds. I certainly have seen a difference in such a short time and if I continue like htis then hopefully I can get back out there (I really want to get back in work after leaving my job last year with this damned fibro)
Best of luck hopefully you can get the meds that make a difference to you life
Just because you might identify a trigger or triggers, it does not mean you could reverse it. It doesn't work like that I'm afraid.
With Fibro, there are a series of changes that occur during onset - overstimulation of the Autonomic Nervous System, which disrupts restorative, both of which then cause further changes in the brain, etc, etc.
Identifying triggers is most useful for working out what else is going on alongside the Fibro. E.g. people who have had a whiplash injury typically have quite bad myofascial pain in their neck and shoulders and this needs targeting. Or if your Fibro started with a bad infection, it's possible that you either have an ongoing infection in the background, or that taking high doses or repeated courses of antibiotics severely depleted your probiotic levels and this needs treating.
thankyou for you answer. I think i am in the denial zone with my fibro, even though it was diagnosed by a rheumi consultant cant beleive my life has changed so muck two tyears ago i was working full time and had a very ac tive life, now i struggle to get out of bed i am so angry just clutching at straw for a return to normall
Give yourself time Webby, it's all a bit of a shock at first, I know it was with me. I went from being a 24/7 cyclone who worked 12hr+ shifts at work racing around all day and evening, to a wreck by comparison. It takes time to come to terms with Fibromyalgia and the effect it can have on our lives. It can be very debilitating. Once you are able to come to terms with it, it does get easier and it's possible to adapt. Yes life is very different but it's possible to have a good life that's fulfilling too. It's perfectly understandable that we are in denial for some time, it's a shock isn't it. Take care Webby.
(Have you considered learning how to pace yourself, this can make a huge difference to your life with Fibro?! I was referred to a CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) Clinic and learnt how to pace myself with the help of an Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist)

thankyou that is good advice
Hi webby, I'm exactly the same. I'm still working but am struggling. I have dropped from 5 days to 4. I've still not come to terms with how I am now and how much me and my life have changed. I was only diagnosed a few months ago but my symptoms started a month or so after I'd had surgery for a full hysterectomy. Hope you get the answers you're after x
Mine started after a particularly stressful period in my life . I was diagnosed with Sjogrens first and then Fibro on top. I've had depression for many years previous to that though , so I've always figured it was an accumulation of things .
I know what you mean about denial, I used to be a wonder woman , strong physically and strong minded . I've had to come to terms with the fact I'm not that same person any more , and learn to pace myself .
Hello again webby,
Like you I was working plus charity work and looking after my grandchildren. I lived a full life so to have my wings clipped has really frustrated me and I do have low days. I have been put on Amriptaline and tramadol at night which is working and I am more or less getting a good night sleep (something I haven't had for many years) the rheumi thinks sleep is the key problem in my fibro and believes that once I get my sleep pattern sorted out then I will be able to get back to a decent level.
I also think stress plays a part in most people as we all live busy stressful lives.
Hugs x
hi webby i got it about a year after my husband died suddenly i caried on working till pain was so bad i had to give up it got progressivly worse after that 'that was 28years a go hugs frances x
Ive had it 6 months and i think mine started after a very stressfull 2 years .( i found my mum dead in bed and then we had to move out our house through my husband job loss . xx
Hi webby, mine started after i had and over active thyroid that attacked just about everything...swiftly followed by glandular fever.Left me with thyroid eye disease also...just sooo vile. My doc feels sure it is the legacy from that little lot.
In denial also i think/know. Been very weepy of late and can't be bothered with anything, so i think it's just hitting home, especially as i've just been diagnosed with arthritis in both knees and one hip, and high blood pressure. Used to do archaeology but don't think i'll be scratching about in the trenches again. still hope springs eternal
Jan H xx
I feel so bad for you. I too used to be a supermum of 5, fostered a lad, took children from homes on for holidays 3 times a year, was always surrounded by kids, fun, laughter, never a dull moment. Then 8 years ago my whole world was rocked by my first grandson being stillborn at 42 weeks. The total shock watching him being born perfect, I thought they had made a mistake. My daughter took it real bad, me too. She then had another son, but couldnt handle him so I took over. My daughter took to her bed. My Mum died, my precious dog died, then my daughter decided she was ok, got on a bus and moved 350 miles away taking my grandson with her. That was it, I wanted to die, I took to my bed, wouldnt leave my room, and didnt leave it for 3 years. My fella asked me to marry him, and my younger daughter said she was pregnant. 9 months later my angel was born. I wanted to live, but my body had other ideas, I honestly thought I had a brain tumour, I would forget whole days. I couldnt sleep, pain drove me mad. Constant visits to the docs were fruitless, she kept shouting at me to get a job. The times I would come home sobbing were a regular. My friends said they would come sort her out, but I decided to have it out with her. I went in with a list of things wrong with me, I told her if she didnt listen and help me I would have to change gps, she said she was behind me 100 percent. She arranged Physio, pain clinic, Occupational therapist, nerve specialist, councelling, Ortho specialists. They all together came up with the diagnosis Fibro..............So, in answer to your question, I would say stress and shock were my triggers. x
Hi webber.
I lost my dad when I was just 15 yrs old and he was a very young guy of 40. I married quiet young (21) and unfortunetly the marriage was very physically abusive and my ex had loads of affairs whilst i stayed true & faithful to my vows then he added insult to injury by beating me up becuz nd I quote all women are whores. - go figure!! I finally plucked up the courage to leave him when my kids were 5 months, 2 1/yrs, 5yrs and 9yrs old. We fled during the night and with only the clothes on our backs.
Thankfully a relative period of calm followed in the nxt few yrs and I concentrated on making my childrens lives secure and stable happy and stress free and to acheive this I became a stay at home mum striving to be there for my kids and struggling to combine being a parent with studying in order to ensure i enhanced my future employability prospects. A goal i duly achieved as i became a community worker undertaking a variety of roles within organisations addressing issues such as health, crime, homelessness, domestic violence, disabilty etc
Any way to cut a long story short (sorry i have a habit of waffeling lol) my eldest son was diagnosed with a severe mental health condition for which he began to misuse drugs and alcohol as a form of self- medication; unfortunetly this makes his condition worse and as a result he self-harms and has attempted to take his own life dozens of times.
I believe that all these stressful events in my life -including and in particular the stress of cutting my son down from a rope on several occassions and standing by helplessly watching medics battle to recussitate him a sight no mother should ever have to witness - have been the trigger points for my fibro.
Thankfully he still here with me and together were both battling to manage our conditions and live as full a life as possible. I wish you happiness and acceptance as you do likewise x take care x
Ooooops * Webby
the fibro specialist i saw to confirm diagnosis said you can get FM three ways. either a virus, an accident or a life changing stress event.
mine was a healthy dose of stress, stress and more stress!
Dixies.....xxxxxxxxxxxx I too was a beaten young wife. I too fled in the night with my 4 babies, we had to go into hiding because of death threats. I saw a judge in chambers who changed my girls last names so he couldnt find us. My heart goes out to you, I wish I could hug you right now. You are amazing. Gentle hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx