My birthday and im sat crying. - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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My birthday and im sat crying.

19 Replies

Well guys im 38 today.its my birthday.

I should be so happy hey?

Why arent i.well e.s.a have stopped our money coz there was a cock up.i movedaddres this year notify the d.w.p.

Now the appeals have told

me they werent told by other department.

So its my birthday and we have no money.

Crisis loan would only give us 120.00 for well?

Im not seeing my kids coz they live with my evil ex husband.

I have the man of my dreams here.but sat crying coz im in pain sad and worried and stressed.

So sick of constant worry.having to fight for every penny.

I hace high blood pressure.crohns disease,fybromyalgia and other probd.

Sorry for rant...

19 Replies
floozy profile image

Happy birthday sweetie , sorry your going through it right now x

ziggyinhants profile image

oh hun HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i know how you feel mines in three days and we are in same position it will get better. xx soft hugs xx

susie59 profile image

just sending a big cuddly hug, happy birthday, xxxx

shazzad profile image

I would like to wish u a very happy birthday, this is your special day. I hope theysoon sort out your money, back paid too, chin up xxx

rosehip profile image

sending you birthday wishes and a gentle hug xxx

Hey sammy, special, gentle hugs for your 38th Birthday.

Never, EVER apologise for having a rant sweetheart, it's good for the soul and with us Fibromites - we've earned the right for a good rant when "normals" are against us! Well - the DLA and others are far from normal - so call them as you see fit!

You have a good cry and get it out of your system - I really feel for you sammy - when I moved here 3 years ago in 2009 - DLA and IS were stopped until they checked that all I did was move house! It was 6 weeks before all money was reinstated and backdated - but those 6 weeks were killing me financially as well as health-wise. A year later they dropped my money by £200 a month mobility allowance - without warning - because my daughter, who was still living at home -had turned 18 the year before and was well able to do all my running around for errands etc. They KNEW she was 18 - I ALWAYS inform them of even the minutest detail so they cannot accuse me of fraud. - They admitted it was their faux pas and the guy whom I was talking to, told me I should be glad they did not ask me to pay back the over payment! - I was livid as you can imaging! - And it was not until October 2011 - when my daughter moved to her own house - that I requested the Mobility Allowance be reinstated forthwith - again after a thorough check to make sure it was the truth I spoke - it was 5-6 weeks until I had it reinstated and back dated to the day I informed them I was now living alone. Those middle 1 and half years were extremely hard financially - I never took rent from my daughter - as she was saving for her own place - how the heck I survived so long I don't know - but I always say - and believe that everything will turn out to be better eventually - and it really does - though as the hardship that you , I, and many others have, are and will be going through fools you to believe other-wise at the time we go through it.

Crisis loans are a joke - both times I only got given £75 - Laughable.

Try not to think about it all, for today at least - you have a lovely man in your life - Enjoy your birthday with him - easier said I know - but please sammy, give it a go, just for your birthday.



Carol xx

fairycazzie profile image

Awww Happy Birthday Sammy!

So sorry that it seems a bad day on your birthday,

I would try let your lovely man in your life pamper you, let him snughle you with huggles.

The security system is a joke and probably because that many are not so truthful!

I would put aside today and deal with tomoro. I know they say why put off today what you can do tomoro ( not even sure that sounds rite lol)

But end of day if that phonecall makes you feel more relaxed to ease your mind then do whats best for you! I am sure will all sort out and just a hiccup.


Try enjoy your birthday and no apologies please we all here to listen

barnsleysar profile image

aw love, Happy Birthday Sammy, soft hugs xxxxxx

You rant as much as you like!

Happy Birthday although that seems a silly thing to say as it obviously isnt happy.

Hopefully as Cadee said they will sort it out soon, I know that dont help now bt look on the bright side, you do have the man of your dreams there, and you dont need money to enjoy each others company.

Gentle hugs hun xx

Wildwitch profile image

Im not surprised you are feeling down :( Im so sorry you are going through such a hard and stressful time. I do hope it gets sorted very soon.

Gentle hugs and Happy Birthday xx

Aww hunny, I'm so sorry to hear that . I really wish these ass****s would stop putting people through this stress , it's horrendous .

Happy Birthday anyway , I hope you find at least one special thing to get you through the day . Let your man spoil you a little ( or a lot ) , even if it's only letting you cry in his arms or making you tea.

Huge gentle hugs for you


loobie profile image

Ah sorry ur feeling so down 2 day hun & theres no need 2 appologise if a rant helps u in any way u go ahead & rant hun. I hope ur day gets better. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2U HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2U HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 SAMMY HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2U XGentle hugs hun x

mystique profile image

sorry you are feeling so low sammy, but we are all here for you,hope everything improves for you very soon - HAPPY BIRTHDAY XXXXX gentle hugs xxxx

harvey12 profile image

sammy chin up hun everything will get sorted out in the end just try and enjoy your birthday you have a lovely partner by your side so try and let your troubles slip away just for today and have a lovely and happy birthday xxxx big soft hugs sent your way xxxx

motzie profile image

Hiya sammy....sending you love Happy Birthday & hope everything gets sorted out very soon, take care and gentle hugs from our fibromite family xxx.

bobajob profile image

sammy,frist HAPPY BIRTHDAY please don't let them get you down on your day,they are all T##TS .....but you have a good day go have a cuddle with your partner..... best wishes

bob xxx

aww lv,wish i could make your day happier but i cant.i only say that we all have been in a simular situation....i no your feeling sad but uv got someone to feel sad with,a lot of people dont(im in no way taking away fm how your feeling)cos i would feel the same and its a shit place to be......the esa are a set of F**king idiots...i wont wish you a happy birthday cos your not having 1,but i do wish you a lot more good luck,so here goes

wishing you alot more good luck

lots of lv and fluffy hugs

from me xxxxxxxxx

p.s here are some smiles for you to use later as they dont have a sell-by-dates

:) :) :)


purpleblossom profile image

Happy birthday sammy. Big hugs. You do something nice at home with your lovely man - you deserve it hon.

As for the silly DWP, if they made an error themselves then sounds like you may be able to appeal on the basis of an official error by the DWP, give it a try. Do also seek legal advice from a CAB/legal aid solicitors firm who could assess your case and potentially help you with this appeal for free. Enjoy your extended birthday celebrations and hope you get your esa reinstated soon.

Purple B xxx

purpleblossom profile image

Ps DON'T LET THEM GET YOU DOWN! caps intended. If it were up to the DWP they would refuse every single worthy case. So please do not let this get to you. Enjoy your birthday week and please do seek some legal advice from a local CAB or solicitor as from what you said it does sound like there could be a basis for appeal (but the CAB/advisors will check your documents and advise you further). PS don't worry, you can rant anyday here...that's what we are all here for! :) We all do it, and with all the fibro and all the rest of what we're going through, it's allowed. big hugs, and lots of love. Purple B

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