Hi All I'm new to this site & need some help please, I suffer with Fibromyalgia, Facet Joint Arthritis, Osteoarthritis in my Neck, Coccydenia, Scoliosis (curvature of Thoracic section of Spine), Left Trochanteric Bursitis, Fibrocystic Breast, Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Costochondritius. I am on various pain medications, but I cannot sit on a chair for more than 15/20 minutes at a time even using a Coccyx Cushion, but can you believe that even though I have all the above conditions & am in constant pain and really bad sleep most night's I still cannot get any kind of benefit from the Social Security I failed the Medical assessment but I was not diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia then was only diagnosed it in March 2012, so I am thinking about writing to them to ask to look at my case again & include my new diagnosis to see if they will change their decision, I am a Secretary/Administrator (but not working at the moment) How I'm supposed to do this job with my current situation is beyond me I have had Coccydenia for a year now, any help regarding how to go about this would be really appreciated, Thank You
Please advise me how to deal with my ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Please advise me how to deal with my Benefit Claim, Please see question below, Thanks to all for any help you can provide.

yes I can believe it because I cant either
a list of my illness es
irritable bladder
dupytrens contriction
thoracic syrinx[cysts on spinal cord]
double vision
but still not ill enough for dla or any benefits

Hi Lally yes I too know how you feel, it's like we are hitting our heads on a brick wall and still getting nowhere, I just wish one could see pain then they might understand what we go through each & every day
get help from the cab or dial, best of luck
Penny xxx
It is definitely worth asking them to reassess your case with the new information. I just wondered whether you appealed the decision the first time you were refused any help. A lot of the time it depends on how we are actually answering the questions that are being asked. So many times I hear of people who have answered yes to being able to doing things when they should of said no as they have days when it is impossible. It is highly important that anything like that is thought about carefully because if you can do something some days but not on others you always have to answer no and then where you have room to explain you can then explain further there about good days and bad days. If you say yes that is as far as they go in looking. The other thing that I have noticed is that people do tend to think that having a certain diagnosis by itself will entitle them to a benefit but it is not the condition that entitles you to it or not it is your ability to be able to carry out your day to day living that is the deciding factor. This is why it is of upmost importance that you paint a true picture of your worst day as the benchmark for your claim and then explain further afterwards. Whenever you have a form that gives you space to write explanations do not assume your answers on the tick boxes are enough always try to give a really full picture of how your illnesses are affecting your ability to walk, sit. lay, eat, cook. work. hear. concentrate etc even if it seems like you have written it before earlier still write it again. I know you say you can sit for about 15 to 20 minutes but do you ever get days when you cannot even sit that long or at all? If so that is what you need to be telling them and if you are in a face to face interview do not continue to sit in agony when you need to get up at all but get up and move around as otherwise they will think that you are ok. Hope you get a much more positive result this time and remember there is always the CAB and other disabled charities who have people who can help you with your claim. Hugs to you xxx
Hello Suzyindahouse
Thank you for your reply you have given me some things to think about, no I did not appeal yet this was my 1st medical assessment so did not know what to expect, I did tell the woman that I have good & bad days, & some days I can do something then the next day I couldn't, same goes for me being or not being able to sit, some days I just can't sit at all. I even had to stand up through most of the assessment which took almost an hour because I was in so much pain trying to sit that day, even told her about my sleep problem which my Dr thinks I am suffering from Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder too, for which I am currently waiting for an appointment to see a therapist. I think I do need to write to DLA and ask them to re-assess my case & include the new diagnosis of Fibromyalgia & Costochondritis, as soon as possible, just not sure how to explain it all as they will already have my answers from the medical assessment although I have today finally received a copy of my assessment & there are a number of things that are not correct so need to point these out also. But thanks for your help so far, I need to really think about what to say to the DLA any help on wording I would really appreciate.
Hi I am just about to go through the mandatory appeal thing. Can’t remember it’s exact name but I have been direct to the Benefits and Work website where if you join you can access all their leaflets on the appeal process and what to do and say at each stage! You can submit further evidence at this point 3 years ago! I wish they could see and understand how devastating their decisions are!! My depression is most definitely been made worse by their refusal to give be the PIP benefit I was previously on!
all apps are automatically being refused on ight at the mo and you must reapply get doctors letter attached and see cit ad bearueau. sorry bad spelling i is a dumbo sometimes goos luck keep copies of all the forms you send in ....petal

Hi fadedblossom
Thanks for your reply I take it you mean the citizens advice, yes that's a good place to start, I do keep copies of everything, even make notes of when I call them, persons name I spoke to & how long the call took
Hi i applied for dla 4 weeks ago but my GP told me to call my local DIAL up anfd get them to fill in the forms so go on google and put dial in it will come up with your local one and give them a call they are so helpful and good luck with it and welcome to the site too love diddle xxx oh and put your town/city/village in after dial

Hi diddle
Thank you for your reply, oh ok I'll look that up in goggle I have never heard of them before, nice to meet you here, lets hope these people can help me. once again thanks
Hi again diddle, I went into Google & typed in the following
DIAL rochford, essex
but all I am getting is internet providers, have I done this right ?
oh try putting D.I.A.L with full stop after each letter then just Essex and our just rochford it should come up or if you have a Citizens Advice where you are they may be able to help good luck hope you manage to get to it love diddle x