Does anyone understand being scared t... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Does anyone understand being scared to move because you know how severe the pain is going to be?

oh yes, sometimes even breathing hurts, and the thought of trying to walk fills me with dread
Yes i think we all do . It's hard for me the longer i sit the stiffer i get , sleeping half the day does'nt help and i have to walk from 1 room to another holding on to the door etc to get there .
Yes, absolutely. This is something that they deal with at the Pain Clinic - how to manage our negative expectations of pain. Some days I can talk myself out of doing anything because I'm scared of how much it will hurt doing it! Other days I push a little and see how it goes - if the pain's too much I stop. Some days computer just says no!
-----------its the sudden jarring and sharp pains that fill me with dread.
I move one way it hurts move the the other way it hurts so i am literaly stuck with fear
Inactivity is a no - no, i can seize up in minutes anytime of the day but Mornings are always going to be worse if i got some sleep!
every minute of every day is painfull. Never have a day that is the same. i use one or two sticks depending on how i feel. I absolutely hate it when i have to get up in the night for the loo, happens a lot. cause i no the pain is going to be bad and i dont want to wake hubby. so know how u feel. i have been looking at scooters so i can shop and enjoy instead of always looking for a seat to ease the pain xxx
Oh webby i know exactly how you feel. If i have to go shopping for food i can just about manage by leaning on the trolley and sitting down while my kids queue and pack the shopping then i pay.
If i have to go for anything else though i choose to go to places where i know there are lots of resting places otherwise it costs me a fortune in treating the kids to cuppa's or fast foods just so i can sit and rest.
hi toni i understand what u mean complety iv suffered with fibro for 28years i use a disabilty scooter to get around out side just sitting on that is pain full iv tryed different thing over the years to try and eleaveate the pain nothing realy helps for long the stabbing pains stop me in my tracks the contant pain weres me down my body feels so heavy but slowly slowly is my motto other wise i pay for it big time x
I do know how you feel.I often lay in bed in the morning thinking if I stay completely still it dosnt hurt, but the minute I move it will hurt like mad. I then have the whole business of trying to get out of bed preferably without hitting the floor, followed by what passes in the morning for walking,,,,, a shuffle comparable to a penguin if my family are to believed!! My poor hubby still hasn't quite got a handle on the whole business of pain and gives me funny looks when i say five minutes more and I will make a move as i lay there trying to phyc myself up to do so!! Onward and upward!!!
yeah same here wenjay,i dread getting out of bed ,and going to bed,if my legs twich i tend not to sleep well,toss n turn,kick n bruise me old man,n keep him awake aswell,i describe the walk as a penguine shuffle too and im the same at waking too i tend to say yeah ok im awake im comin give mea minute n an hour later im still asleep and have to phyc myself up x
Hi, I totally understand what you mean but you must try to keep moving somehow as if you don't the pain will really intensify and you will become weaker.I'm not saying run a marathon (we wish) but gentle exercise and light stretching especially in a nice warm bath can be really beneficial, love and best wishes to you,hugs Della xxx
penguin shuffle! i never had a word for it until now!