If i apply for high rate dla will i loose my low rate if i dnt get top rate? Does any one know im just getting worse iv given up work as i cant hold a job down being a carer! I need one myself lol
Dla: If i apply for high rate dla will... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

They reassess your DLA if you tell them about any changes ( which you are supposed to do either way ) and sadly that does mean it can be taken away altogether . I'm in the same boat , I get lower rate care and mobility but I'm much worse than I was, but I'm scared to ask them to reassess in case they stop it altogether
Maybe a chat with welfare rights or the CAB might help you make a clearer decision ?
Meant to say, of course that does mean they may also put it up to higher rate, or indeed leave it at the same rate . It's a risk you have to take with them ( I think personally they know that , so it puts people off trying to get a higher award ).
Same here Helen, im on low for care and mobility but im definately worse now, however i just got them to agree to that so i dont want to rock the boat and risk losing what i do get. But you are right may be worth seeing the CAB. If i can get in they never seem to be open here.
Hope you get it if you apply Chrissy. x
I worked full time up until 4 weeks ago and was also a carer for my Mum. I was finding it hard to cope being a carer and working but I'm now finding that even though I'm not working, I'm still as tired and in more pain now! I had to stay home on Saturday as I was in so much pain, Sunday was better but today I'm the same again. I'm not sure I'd be able to claim DLA as I still try to keep active with salsa dancing and zumba, I'm totall shattered afterwards but don't want FM to rule my life.
i think they just re assess you you tell them you have changes ie worse or better and they then look ayt you again and you will either be up graded stay the same or could lose it completely the way they seem to be working at min but prob worst that would happen is you stay the same love o you diddle x
i have asked them to reassess me, im currently on low care but high mobility for life (yeah until next year as ive heard!!!)
ive only asked them to reassess the care component, so they told me to just fill in that part of form and leave rest blank (there is a box to tick to say you only want part reassessed).
if any you worried, why dont you ask for care OR mobility part to be looked at again, rather than risk both?? obviously only ask if your situation has changed/got worse xxxx
Its so awful to think people are afraid to challenge their DLA for fear it will be taken off them. Our lives are so stressful anyway just trying to cope from day to day these people who make the decision should think themselves lucky they are not in our situation! Angela x