wow i took a gabapentin yesterday evening and i slept all night , no waking up with pain in the night. its the first night in months i have slept through, i say bring on the drugs
gabapentin: wow i took a gabapentin... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Wow, great to hear that Dan. I didn't sleep for years cos I have really bad RLS and then I got Ropinirole which helped for a while but then seemed to stop working but then got Gabapentin and I usually sleep really well now. Isn't it great!!!! I take 900 mg before bed. I can go up to about 1200 (I think) but the 900 are ok for now.
wow that sounds good to me only saw my GP yesterday but will make appointment to see her and ask about this drug it may not be suitable for everyone or with the mix i am on but will mention it . so pleasrd for you lovely you must be up for anything today lol love diddle x

hi diddle if not on anatrip and pregabalin wich is like gabapentin see is you can try that mix as when right it workes and 99% of time you sleep fab with in hour of taking start to kick in within 2 hours you can go to bed and sleep also ask can you have naproxin .that is a good mix let me no if you have been on them and see what you think soft hugs to you hun
Hi Dan,glad to hear that I have, not long started them and have now worked my way up to 1200mgs,done nothing but sleep,but today after a sleepless night I feel as if I have had a fuel injection and I`m working on all cylinders.
Going to pay for it all week end but I don`t care,I just need to blitz my flat as I have cobwebs hanging off me.And I reckon this is about the last of the good weather down here in Hastings.
So glad you feel something from them enjoy your day hugs Butterflyxxxx
Hi Dan, so pleased the Gabapentin are having that affect on you. They did on me when I first started taking them - been on them for a year now and they no longer have that affect Enjoy the sleep whilst you can, am so envious I could really use a good nights sleep.
Gentle hugs xx
Hugs Tinkz
i was reading the other day that if you cut out sugar coffee and wheat from your diet then it helps fibro and helps you to sleep a bit better.... might be worth a try, anything is worth a try....... i find whiskey helps me to sleep but then i have a bad head for days even if i just have a couple,

Hi Dan, I have already cut out caffeine from my diet - which does help immensely. I can't drink alcohol at all as it keeps me awake rather than sending to sleep
Enjoy your day xx

TuT TuT Dan,lol can I join you.You really need to be careful with the booze unfortunately on these drugs.
I asked my G.P about that as I`m going to france to see my brother later this year when I feel stronger.And want to partake of some good wine.
She told me that when the gabapentine was well into my system that a glass of red at night would be O.K,even a wee glass of sherry or two,as it`s quite good for you.
But in the mean time if you must,please, have a wee dram for me xxHugs Butterflyxxx
P.S is Dan for Daniel or Dan the man sorry for asking but we do have some men on here lol xxx
thank Butterfly
its a beautiful day here too, i am in Chesterfield Derbyshire, just on the edge of the peak district, at last I have some energy so its house work, washing ironing for me this morning then the mucking out of the chickens this afternoon.
Sorry for previous question if your doing housework like me it Daniel but I suppose you cou could be a mr you have to clean up too
lol no probs.... DanHan is a name i use for my sewing page on facebook, my name is Nichola..... my kids are Daniel and Hannah, so u can see where the DanHan comes from, France I love France we are off there for 3 weeks in August to the vendee
Nic x

Get it Love it Good,what is weather like in
Toulouse area in August as my brother bless him is paying for me and my closest friend to go over(friend to be companion lol)Feel like someone from days gone bye.
How posh am I,But it`s good idea as if I get very tired for a day or so I can stay in bed and they can take her out so thier holiday won`t be a washout feeling they have to stay with me.
Hugs me again lol xxxx
hi dan i dont have wheat or gluten foods as i have seelica disase too. plus many other things going on in my body...
i dont drink coffee at all.
and i dont get a good nights sleep pills dont have the affect any more..
hope you have a good day hugs xx
Hi DanHan,
The other day I posted about how good I felt since starting gabapentin, I thought it was amazing how different I felt and I slept 2 nights without pain But it was short lived I'm afraid, I'm on my 4th day and feeling terrible again all the shooting pains are back with a vengence, I didn't sleep at all last night, the pain was horrific.
But as I'm only on a low dose and my doctor is going to raise my dose slowly I'm pretty optimistic that they will help with the pain
I really hope it works for you
good luck
Irene x
well i have done it.... all the blinking ironing i started at 8.30am and finished it at 4.15pm........ not bad really cause the last time i was well enough to do the ironing was in January...... the gabapentin is still working , me feet and hands are paining a bit but that could be due to the amount of ironing i have done, think i might suffer a bit tomorrow.. will wait and see watch this space
So pleased for you hun,
God i couldnt do that much ironing at once, go you. lol.
Hope it carries on being a help to you.
kel xxxx
wow they do sound great. This is 1 drug I havent tried yet.
Really glad they are helping Dan.
I gave up on the ironing years ago Jazher.... everything just
get folded as it comes out of the dryer as i just dont have
the energy. Angel
Hi angel,
I only iron the kids things, my clothes just get hung up in wardrobe and hope creases drop out lol. My partners get hung up and he irons them when needed. My bedding etc comes out of the dryer, so i only iron the kids clothes, I have cheats for most things these days.
Plus i only iron one side of clothes too.
I try and conserve as much energy as i can.
kel xxx
Hi Kel hun,
We will have to have a nice chat and exchange tips
Luckily my kids are all grown up now but if I need any ironing
done I usually get a company to do it as we get Independant
Living Fund payments so that we can pay for things like this
so we can live a normal life as possible. I do what I can around
the house and the carers are brilliant as they help out where ever
they can. You have to have cheats hun or we would not survive.
Sounds like you have a good partner. Sometimes having a good friend
to talk to helps you through the day, some1 who understands what you
are going through.
Sorry its took me so long to respond to you but doing 1 small task takes
ages for me, so If I dont respond straight away you know why lol.
Take care hun xx
Hi angel,
There should be a bit on here that would be for tips on how to make life easier, then we could all chip in and help each other.
I have to have so many rests after doing things it is unbeleivable, i am 31 but some days i feel 90.
My partner is getting better, but i would think it would be hard for him. I used to be super partner and super mum and show everyone attention but that has gone out of the window.
I ahve to give up work so he is the only person working and bringing in money, and i have tried dla but they turned me down suprise suprise lol.
I have spent a fortune on things to make my life easier and i just wish i could have someone comming in once a week and clean right through so all i have to do is keep ontop of it.
I have made my own easy recipe book, i searched the internet for simple but good dinners so i could still cook dinner with some help of my 12 year old.
Not everyone replys straight away, thats what i like about this site, most people are very nice and easy going and we all understand.
big hugs, kel xxx
well the gabapentin is still working i have been to the allotment today with the hubby and managed to help him a bit with some of the digging, but i was more on tea and coffee duty, so most of the time i was just sat watching the girls ( the chickens , we have 38 hens and 4 cockerels ). but at least i was out of the house and in the land of the living, i also have started to take my beta blockers today to slow my heart rate down, and i must say i dont feel tired out and have not got the feeling of like i have been running , so all is good still here .
Nichola x

Hi nichola,
I am pleased your gabapentin are still working hun.
take care, kel xxxx
now, i was told i could not have betablockers for my heart because i have asthma, but i have just read that i can have just cardiovascular ones that dont affect the lungs, and i often get a high heart rate as well as occasional af . think i need to take that one up with the gp! thanks for the info Nichola
welcome to the club soft hugs xxxx
Hi Gypsy
I too have asthma, so i am keeping a check on my peak flow and making sure i take my steroid inhaler,if it affects my asthma then i will have to come of the beta blockers, but hopefully being on the beta blockers i will be able to reduce the anti depressants and in time when i am more active and lose some weight i will be able to reduce all of the drugs xx
I have these recently been prescribed Gabapentin, but have been nervous of taking them as my doctor said I could have some adverse effects as they are prescribed for epilepsy! However I am awake all night with hip and thigh pains so maybe I should give it a try!
Well alllllllright! You go! So happy for you! Hope you continue to have sweet dreams and restful sleep! We all need that!