I have to go onto a statin does it affect fibro.
my cholesterol is 6.
I have to go onto a statin does it affect fibro.
my cholesterol is 6.
I'm on statins, but they affect people differently.... I dont have many effects apart from my arms ache more.... best to see how things go! xx
Thanks Misskittycat & thanks JUles58
yes high cholesterol reason for taking
them. will have to see how it goes
GP said shouldn't be any side affects
Brother in Pain
Hi yes i take statins for high cholesterol, i havent really had any side effects though, wish you well, amanda
I used to take Statins for high cholesterol butr had to come off them, they were causing me alot of problems, i also have a friend with FMS and she had the same problems !!
Hi Jules, From a medical perspective I can advise that some statins. can cause some people, problems. The most commonly voiced problem is 'arthriticky type pain' and the most common offender is the GP's favourite Simvastatin. However, there are lots of statins, so it's very much trial and error until you find one that suits you. You need to give each one you try a month, as it is common for any new medication you take, to have transitory side effects that pass quite quickly and it's the ones that don't disappear that need addressing. From a personal perspective, I wouldn't touch a statin until I had tried and failed to lower my cholesterol level through dietary adjustment and a glass of red wine a day is my first line of defense
Sorry I meant to say Hi Rubberman
I'm on statins hun i have been on them for 4 years and have just been diagnosed with fibro and i have been taking tramadol and Norotryptolyne since being diagnosed 3 weeks ago i haven't had any effects yet. and hopefully i wont.
Hi hon
I had a bad reaction to simvistatin, muscle aches, cramps etc. Gp ran blood test and discovered it was causing muscle problems. So changed to atorvastatin ( more expensive) but muscle pain etc gone. extremely effective my cholesterol was 9.6 now down to 5.3.
I hope you have a better day today.
Take care gentle hugs love sheena xxxx