has anyone had spinal trauma ie car accident whiplash. Ive got what called a spinal syrinx, its a fluid filled cyst on my spinal cord, it causes all sort of neuro problems
spinal trauma: has anyone had spinal... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
spinal trauma
yes I was in a car accident 25 years ago and never been the same since, I had a pretty bad whiplash injury and was in a support collar for about a year, i've had to leave numerous jobs in the past because of the pain in my neck, shoulders and back and still have a lot of problems with it now.
have you had mri or ct or x rays if not you may need these to rule out a spinal syrinx
I had an MRI in 2010 to rule out M.S thats the only MRI ive had, they found a dark shadow at the base of my brain and recalled me back for another then said it was clear so i dont really know if they ever looked at my spine, before that my last x-ray was probably about 10-12 years ago, I dont think my doctor has a clue
I was diagnosed by a lady rhumy about 50yrs old that knows nothing about fibro and the only treatment she offered me was to see a phsyciatrist, as its all in my head, of course I said no and then I was told she couldnt do anything else for me and discharged me back to my gp who also knows nothing about fibro, the rhumy didnt even give me the pressure point test, she moved my arms around a bit then my legs then said i have M.E and Fibro
there is a thing called chiari its at the base of the skull, all I know on my travells trying to find out what wrong with me is that a lot of us have been given the label of CFS and Fibro and it isnt
Dr Holman in Seattle has been doing a lot of research into Positional Cervical Cord Compression (PC3) as a cause and/or perpetuating factor in Fibro. His team treats this by using physical therapy to help patients stop putting pressure on their cervical spine, with great results.
It is also recognised that Chiari Malformation or more simple cervical spinal cord compression can cause symptoms just like Fibro. Dr Heffez, a Chiari expect, thought at one time that he might have found a cure for Fibro as surgery for Chiari cured his patients' Fibro. But unfortunately that only works for those people with actual Chiari - surgery wouldn't benefit most of us.
theres no cure for my syrinx no surgery can be done i just have to live with it
I've just found my MRI scan dvd and the did do an MRI of my spine, its gobble-de-gook to me! lol I wish I could get a 2nd opinion